Why wait on Intention Setting? It’s Jan 1st!
In my last email I talked about waiting on setting your New Year Intentions and I mentioned that there is a lot going on in the sky astrologically in January that is calling us to slow down and listen. So that is the first reason.
The second and more important reason for those of us who want to connect more with Mother Earth and the natural cycles on the planet, Wintertime is NOT the time to try to spring forward in action and sprout those new intentions into reality.
Emotional Manipulation in Marketing
Emotional manipulation is when a person/company/organization/society engages another’s emotions to cause them to do or not do something the initiator wants.
Emotion-led marketing is the primary marketing used today in the US and likely around the world. If you are on social media of any kind, you see stories, reels, posts, videos, content, ads and more that are successfully getting you to engage, comment, share, or purchase through engaging your emotional state in some way. You either align with it or you are opposed to it. You have an opinion about it or you feel like it is speaking directly to you.
Emotion-led marketing works! Every day, all day. And the reason that I despise it is that it disempowers people from making a choice that might be most aligned for them. It takes power out of the hands of the consumer and puts it into the hands of the businesses/organizations that are trying to provoke an action, like purchasing.
Why I hate Marketing
The thing I hate most about running a business is the marketing. But not for the reason you may think. I don’t mind doing the work, learning the apps and ads, writing the content, scheduling the posts, doing the lives, newsletters, and emails. I enjoy all that to a certain extent. It’s not that.
I hate marketing because for me, as a Divine Truth and Divine Self-Expression Soul, the current way that humans respond to marketing feels manipulative, yucky, and against everything I want to be as a person and as a business owner. Let me explain.
Over a Month after Helene
It is difficult to parse out what I want to share in this blog since there is so very much, so many experiences, so many shadows and transformations, so much that has transpired in me and around me since Hurricane Helene hit the Asheville, NC (and Leicester, NC where I live) areas on September 27, 2024.
Day 19 after Hurricane Helene in Leicester, NC, Buncombe County, just outside of Asheville, NC.
As I pulled into the far parking lot of Leicester Elementary School, following the signs for Food and Water, I saw the military trucks first and my body began to shake. I turned into the line and saw the National Guard members in uniform along with civilians lined up ready to move needed supplies into vehicles, neatly and efficiently.
Here is what it looks like to begin to change your life:
You have patterns of thoughts that you have been thinking for years, maybe all your life, that have propelled you to where you are right now. And where you are right now is a not exactly where you want to be.
Maybe you thought you would be wealthier by now. That you would have more in your retirement accounts, have a lot more in your checking and savings accounts but no matter what you do it keeps being the same small dribbles in, if any at all.
Transformations happening…
Hopefully your life has been full of bright and positive experiences. I know a lot has been shifting over here at Your Empowerment Place and there will be more updates on all that in the next few weeks.
I have been feeling expectation about a big transformation coming for me in my life and my work for over 6 months now. It has been inching in a little at a time.
Where do ghosts live?
When I say ghosts, I mean, ghosts, Poltergeist, hungry ghosts, negative entities, earthbound spirits, any beings that have left their body, but have not ascended into spirit. So they're kind of in between, right? They're not in the body, but they're not in spirit.
Lesson From Mercury Coming Direct
Mercury is of Out of Retrograde! Whoop Whoop!
I don’t know about you but Mercury Retrograde always hits me worst just after is it over. For instance, Mercury came out of retrograde on January 18th, this past Wednesday, but I had major issues Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This is when Mercury stationed direct and started moving forward again. Back into the flow.
The time when it is turning back into flow is the time when I get the worst glitches in technology and communications! When things go wrong, get glitchy or are super frustrating.
The best way I know to describe it is this way:
Gratitude Is The Door To More
If you live in America, I hope that you have been able to spend some time enjoying those you love and those you enjoy spending time with during the Thanksgiving holiday.
And no matter where you live, I hope that you have been able to spend some quality time with yourself. In whatever way that makes you feel appreciated, honored, and loved.
If you have taken many of my classes, you know that a resounding mantra that my Guides and yours have talked about is this:
SCOTUS and the Freedom of Choice
Everyone is talking about the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade and end the Federal Right to Abortion Access Health Care for women and pregnant people. It is a lot to process because it impacts so many different people in so many different ways.
If you are on this blog then you likely know my work so you know that everything about my life and work is about choice. About both the obligation and responsibility of personal empowered choice at all times. So you know exactly which side of this issue I stand on.
2021- Duality, Choice, and Consequences
Why am I doing what I'm doing? What's the resonance of it? What is the root of it? Am I feeding the light? Or am I feeding the darkness? Am I feeding and moving towards Unity Consciousness and 5D? Or am I feeding and moving toward chaos and separation and delusion and confusion?
Can YOU Connect With Your Own Spirit Guides?
Why can't you connect with your own Spirit Guides? Why do you need to go to a psychic or channel or someone like me to connect with your Guides? You should be able to do that on your own, right?
How To Handle Strong Emotions As An Empath
The holidays can be the most wonderful time of the year, but they can also be a time when tensions run high. Being around family, the social and financial pressures of the holidays, combined with the fact that it’s supposed to be the “happiest time of the year” can often make our negative emotions feel amplified.
All of Your Spirit Guide Circles, Explained
Have you ever wondered about the different types of Spirit Guides we have? Because yes... we do indeed have multiple Guides! Not only do we have multiple Guides, we actually multiple Spirit Guide Teams that help us in different aspects of our lives.
When do we get our Spirit Guides?
Have you ever wanted to learn more about the different types of spirit guides? It’s time to get to know them!
The Most Important Thing You Need To Do In Order to Reach 5D Unity Consciousness
If you’re a spiritually motivated Soul, you’re probably familiar with the concept of 5D. You’ve maybe heard those around you talk about moving into 5D, Unity Consciousness (or maybe you’ve heard it referred to as Christ Consciousness!) But nobody seems to be talking about what we really need to do as individuals to actually get there.