Why wait on Intention Setting? It’s Jan 1st!
If you are in the Southern Hemisphere today, January 3, 2025, then you are hot and heavy into Summer Time and now is a GREAT time for you to be taking action, moving forward and spreading your wings. Go for it!
In my last email to my email community I talked about waiting on setting your New Year Intentions and I mentioned that there is a lot going on in the sky astrologically in January 2025 that is calling us to slow down and listen. So that is the first reason.
The second and more important reason, for those of us who want to connect more with Mother Earth and the natural cycles on the planet, is that Wintertime is NOT the time to try to spring forward into action and sprout those new intentions into reality.
When I use those words it’s clear that Spring Time is the best time for moving powerfully into action and for thousands of years humans knew, well before calendars were invented, that Spring was the beginning of newness, planting, starting new projects and was the beginning of the new year.
Winter was and is for gathering yourself, slowing down, digging deep into your psyche, into your thoughts and emotions so that you are ready to move forward in the Spring Time when the Sun meets your face and enlivens your actions.
I don’t know about you but for decades it has felt misaligned to me to set intentions for January 1st, to start at the gym, or the new regime of eating, or working, or whatever. It felt like so much mental effort. And I never got results. I would, within a few weeks, find myself going within, surrendering to the quiet times, reflecting and planning but not taking action. This resulted in decades of shame, confusion, and discouragement because I failed… Again.
It wasn’t until this past year, when Spirit really began to talk with me more about our connection to Mother Earth that I began to understand more about how Humans have created systems and structures that separate us from the world around us. We have been talking for years about how we are separated from our society in unhealthy ways, how we are more isolated, and disconnected. But we haven’t yet really begun talking about how separated we have become from our natural heathy state of harmony with the planet itself.
I am not just talking recycling, protecting the rain forests, eating healthy foods, and connecting with our crystal and gemstone friends though all of that is important. I am also talking about the innate biological clocks we have inside of us that resonate and cooperate with the changing of the seasons, the moon and planets, and the plants and animals around us.
We live in a cooperative environment that is intended to support all the Beings in it. A cooperation that we have been separated from by all the rules, restrictions, and distractions that humans have created through the egoic needs to dominate, control, and win at all costs. The human created rules of capitalism, the one up/one down patriarchal systems, and the kill or be killed/every man for himself thinking that leaves us constantly in a state of fear, judgment, and separation.
Separation from others, separation from self, and separation from the planet we live on.
I am saying all this to call your attention to the reality that just because a man-made calendar says it’s January 1st that doesn’t mean that it is the biological, ecological, and spiritual New Year in which you need to set goals and take action that you are expected to see through, push through, and power through no matter what. Our organic, natural and supportive New Year is the arrival of Spring.
Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, where I am in the US, begins on March 20, 2025. If you are in the Southern Hemisphere today, January 3, 2025 then you are hot and heavy into the Summer Time and now is a GREAT time for you to be taking action, moving forward and spreading your wings. Go for it! Enjoy yourself.
But if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, take a breath, step back, go within, regroup, call your attention back from all the places that it is, surrender to the peace and quiet that longs to be embraced within you. Surrender to yourself.
Claw your attention (and your power) back from all those outside distractions, if need be, and allow your focus to fall gently upon you. Loving and caring for your past, your present, and your future as you plan, think, feel, and release.
Surrender to the opportunity to give in to what your physical body needs, to what your mind/mental body needs, to what your emotional body needs.
Yield to Right Timing and allow yourself to align with what is right for you naturally. Without force or will power but with grace and acceptance.
May you create the space for yourself to honor the right timing for you. May it be so.
I love you,