Three things that you need to know in order to communicate with your Spirit Guides
Do you ever wish you could have guidance and support as you navigate your spiritual path? Do you long for the wisdom to help you make empowered decisions, and to lean more fully into your Soul Purpose?
If so, today I’m going to help you tap into an incredible resource.
Spirit Guides are Beings that exist outside of the 3rd Dimension that help us move towards greater clarity, joy, abundance and fulfillment. We have different types of Guides that all help support us in different aspects of our lives.
Maybe you’re thinking “Okay, Spirit Guides sound great and all, but how do they actually work?”
There is an art to communicating with your Spirit Guides. This is something that I’m going to be diving deeper into during my January Spirit Guide Class. So if you know you want to start receiving guidance from these powerful forces in the new year, sign up here to join us.
But before we can even begin to communicate with our Guides, there are a few things we must have in place so we can begin to start that relationship.
You have to KNOW that you actually have Spirit Guides
The most fundamental piece of being able to open up the dialogue with your Spirit Guides is to actually KNOW they exist. You have to know on a deep level and have no doubts or questions about their existence. This is not about ‘believing’ or ‘pretending’ in Spirit Guides - you have to know in your heart of hearts they exist and they’re here to support you.
There are Beings, that are not in a body, that are here to help guide you through your life process. These Guides were Guides that you communicated with, and agreed to do this process with, before you incarnated in this lifetime. They know what your plan is for this lifetime, and they’re here to help you move through that plan with as much ease and grace as possible.
Now, if you don't believe that, if you don't know and understand that on a deep level, you will not be able to communicate with your Guides.
Because they won’t exist for you.
We know, based on the Law of Attraction, that whatever we believe becomes true for us. Therefore, if you don't believe in your Spirit Guides, then that means they will not be true for you.
It’s almost as if you’ve put up a brick wall. There’s no way for your Guides to communicate with you - because you've decided they don't exist.
The first step if you want to have any relationship with your Guides is filling yourself with the deep belief that they exist and are here, ready to support you.
2. You have to understand how you receive feedback
The second step to being able to communicate with your Guides is to understand how you receive information and feedback responses from things outside the body - whether that’s from Source or Spirit, your Guides, particular resonances/energies or whatever other words you use to describe spiritual forces.
If you are curious to learn more about the different ways you may receive information, we will learn more about that in the Spirit Guide Class.
We all have unique ways we receive information from our Guides. If you’ve ever heard of the different Clairs, this is where they come in!
For example, maybe you’re clairsentient - in that case you would have a strong gut feeling your Guides are trying to communicate with you. Or maybe you’re clairaudient - and you’d hear an inner voice, giving you a message. Each one of us receives spiritual information in our own way.
The reality is, we are ALL connected, and we truly can pick up on things like shifting energies and frequencies. If you’re a skeptic, you maybe just haven’t discovered the way in which you receive psychic information.
For me personally, I have all of the Clairs. This means I hear information, I see information, I smell information, I taste and feel information too!
You may or may not have all of them, you may have one of them, you may have one that's stronger than the other. What you want to do is to start paying attention to that particular one, the one you think is strongest.
Let’s say you have clairsentience. You just feel things. You walk into a room and you may think to yourself, wait a minute, somebody just had an argument in this room. You’re able to pick up on that negative energy.
This is a clear indication that you're picking up on resonances and frequencies. And if you’re able to start tuning into and understanding how you receive information, it’s going to be THAT much easier for your Guides to get you the information you need. You’ve opened up the doorway and in a sense told them “Hey, I’m paying attention!”.
Now on the other hand, if you're not paying attention and have your gifts closed down (like I did for decades!), then you're not going to be able to recognize when a Guide is trying to communicate with you.
This actually happened to me in the case of my great grandfather. When he was alive, he was ALWAYS jangling coins in his pocket. You’d know he was coming around when you’d hear his “jangle, jangle, jangle!”.
He passed away when I was really young. As I grew up, whenever I would go into spirals of negative thinking, or spirals of depression, I would hear a loud crack against a window - kind of like a coin hitting the pane. And it would startle me, right out of my spiral! I would think, holy smokes… what was that? Because at the time, I honestly thought a rock might have hit the window!
It wasn't until years later, once I was in communication with my Guides, that he stepped forward and told me it had been him all along. He told me he was there all along, trying to get me to stop spiraling down, trying to jolt me out of that pattern of disempowerment. His goal was always to get me to break free from my negative patterns so I could see the true potential I had in that moment.
Our Guide teams, whether they are Medical Guides, or our lifetime Inner Circle Guides, or they’re deceased family members, pets or whomever - it doesn't matter. They all communicate with us in the unique way that we receive information.
So the more we get awareness around how we receive that information, the more we’re able to practice, and the better we’ll get at picking up on the information our Guides are trying to get us.
3. The ability to muscle test or dowse
The third thing that's going to help you communicate with your Guides is the ability to muscle test or dowse. The basic premise of muscle testing is to use your body to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. You’ll ask questions aloud and use different reactions that occur in your body to indicate if it’s a yes or no.
You can also use dowsing, which is similar but rather than using your body you use a pendulum. If you’re not familiar with dowsing or muscle testing don’t worry, I will teach this in the Spirit Guide class.
Dowsing helps us if we are in a situation where we're concerned that we may have contaminated the information that we're getting from our Guides. This can happen when we're too emotionally or mentally attached to a particular situation. We end up contaminating the result, because we want a certain outcome or answer, or we get an answer and then we feel displeased because it’s not what we wanted to hear.
Muscle testing and dowsing are two fantastic and useful supplemental tools that you can use that will help you validate information that you're getting from your body.
I hope this post has inspired you to get connected with your Spirit Guides.
When you believe wholeheartedly in their existence, understand the ways in which you receive information from Spirit, and use tools like muscle testing and dowsing to validate your information, you’ll be able to accept so much wisdom and guidance into your life.
If you would like to dive even deeper into your knowledge of Spirit Guides, I’d love to invite you to our January Class on Spirit Guides.
Together we will:
Connect you to your Inner Circle of Spirit Guides so you can access their wisdom
Discover how your Guides may be communicating with you & what signs to look for
Discover how YOU can communicate with your Guides and learn how to recognize feedback and direction
And so much more!