Lesson From Mercury Coming Direct
Mercury is of Out of Retrograde!
Whoop Whoop!
I don’t know about you but Mercury Retrograde always hits me the worst just after is it over.
For instance, Mercury came out of retrograde on January 18th, this past Wednesday, but I had major issues Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This is when Mercury stationed direct and started moving forward again. Back into the flow.
The time when it is turning back into flow is the time when I get the worst glitches in technology and communications! When things go wrong, get glitchy or are super frustrating.
The best way I know to describe it is this way:
If you have ever been on a boat on a fast-moving river and you try to stop the boat and turn it around you will experience the drag against the boat, the water rushing and pooling, and feel the pressure of the water trying to turn you back around.
It is the pressure of you reorienting the boat in the water. Going against the flow. And you feel it most during the change from going with the flow to going against the flow or going against the flow to going in the flow. The ‘changing states of being’ is the most difficult part. And that is true in many aspects of our lives, for sure.
Once you get the boat turned around and you are moving, everything settles into a nice rhythm but during the turn it is dangerous and there is so much pressure you feel like you are fighting against.
That is exactly how these 3 days after Mercury Retrograde always feel to me. And it shows up for me in experiences.
I am so grateful that I learned this is MY PERSONAL Mercury Retrograde timing some years ago.
I don’t remember how long ago exactly but it’s been around 10 years, I think. I had paid attention to the issues that were happening with me, communication, and technology and I saw the patterns. MY patterns. And they were these 3 days.
During the retrograde I was always light-hearted and prepared for issues and I could take anything that came in stride, more or less. But once Mercury Retrograde ended, I felt under pressure and short tempered in my communications, with myself and with others.
That’s why I try not to send out emails during that time. I learned that this timing, the end of Mercury Retrograde and what I call the ‘reorienting period’, those 3 days afterwards, are not the right timing for me to try to communicate electronically! So, I find other things to do.
Because I am launching my Begin Creating The Life You Desire Program soon I needed to get my app finished.
Yes, that’s right.
I am putting together the ‘Your Empowerment Place’ app. Yaaaayyyyy!... More on that later.
So, the app is what I chose to do instead of sending out emails or doing blog posts. And because I knew about this pattern, I was able to take the bumps and hiccups with some grace, since the app is technology.
And I don’t mean a glitch or 2. I mean 3 full days of me not understanding how to do things, having to redo the same thing over and over and over and over... Of things not saving, of not being able to pick the color palate because it didn’t look right, and so on.
I’m not kidding. I changed the color palate for hours. HOURS.
And then I would get one I thought would work and then after uploading new content I would have to change it again because the contrast of colors wasn’t good and I couldn’t read it, etc.
I spent more time on that than uploading the content!
I also uploaded an entire course with handouts and 12 weeks of audio and video content and then realized that I needed to organize it in a different way, so I had to change it all on the app.
Through all of it, I didn’t blow up or yell at my computer or phone. I didn’t cuss at it or have a tantrum like I would have done in years past. I didn’t get angry or frustrated and I certainly didn’t surrender and give up.
I breathed and let the difficulties just exist, without me having to do anything with them. I literally just re-uploaded the content and tried again until it worked.
I still felt the pressure and discomfort. And I stayed the course. I felt the pressure, but it did not overpower me.
I could have chosen a different time to work on the app but I didn’t need to because I felt really prepared and equipped to handle the bumps and hiccups, and I was. I couldn’t have told you why I felt prepared, but I did.
And come to find out, I was prepared for it.
I actually made different choices during that time. Which is a wonderful status update or progress indicator for me.
If you know me well, you know that, subconsciously, I like to put myself in situations and experiences to see if I have grown, changed, and matured. Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually. I want a status update or progress indicator.
I want to know:
Where am I?
What is the state of Tamalla?
Do I actually make different choices when I am in those situations that used to trigger me?
Do I still feel the emotions I used to feel?
Do I still have the same thoughts or are they different now?
Am I able to respond in a more aligned and less ‘negative karma creating’ way?
Am I really a different person and if not, how close am I to changing?
These are power-filled questions that can only be asked in those ‘status update’ moments. Those triggered moments. And we get to measure exactly where we are. I know that I am able to take a measurement at any time, because there are always situations and opportunities to test ourselves.
You might say, well if you know that you are going to test yourself, is it really a test? And I will highlight that I said I do this subconsciously, much of the time.
You could say that I know better but I try it anyway.
And that is true. And when I do those things, after it is over, I realize that I was giving myself a status update. A progress indicator. Where am I and how did I do?
And I get to review what happened, how I felt, what I thought, how I acted, reacted, or responded. And then, either pat myself on the back and acknowledge that I am a different person now because I have changed how I respond. Or I get to say, well, I need some more work in this area. And I can then be conscious of choices around that moving forward.
For example, when I hit frustrations and hiccups with the app, in the long ago past I would have thrown a tantrum, cussed at it and gave up. In the nearer past I would have probably yelled at my computer and walked away angry and came back later to fight with it.
But in this situation, I acknowledge that it was a hiccupping and that it was not flowing and I made a choice to work on it some more and be cool with it being glitchy.
I also gave myself permission to stop working on it if I began to get frustrated. I never got to that point. I was able to flow through the problems without being triggered. But I did still feel some pressure.
Friday night, I talked with one of my dearest friends and we talked about our week. I told her that I was feeling some pressure build up from working on the app and that I felt like I needed to let it out but that I didn’t want to yell or cuss and I didn’t know what to do about it.
A short time later in the conversation, when we were talking about her stressful day, we both began laughing and laughing. We were laughing so much that my eyes kept watering and I snorted several times. I mean real laughing.
And so that is how the Universe allowed me to release that pent up pressure. LAUGHTER. How amazing is that?
I asked out loud for a release and within a few minutes I got it. And it was in an unexpected way. Deep Laughter. And I felt so much better afterwards.
A few years ago I would have released the pressure in furious anger but now it was in snorting laughter. I am taking that as a giant win! And a great progress indicator that I am on the right track for where I want to go.
I want to eventually be ‘unflappable’. I want to be in the flow so much that nothing triggers me. That is my ideal.
Now, I am not there yet but I am so proud that I have this new progress indicator that tells me that I am progressing, I am improving, I am getting there. And I am thrilled!
What progress indicators or status updates have you had lately? Are you on your path or do you need more practice?
It is all just practice anyway. All of it. So make sure to give yourself grace.
I am sending you lots of love,