2021- Duality, Choice, and Consequences
Why am I doing what I'm doing? What's the resonance of it? What is the root of it? Am I feeding the light? Or am I feeding the darkness? Am I feeding and moving towards Unity Consciousness and 5D? Or am I feeding and moving toward chaos and separation and delusion and confusion?
Our Soul vibration is a rate that our Soul is vibrating at, which gives us an indication of what Dimension we're able to get our information from. If we only get our information from the 4th Dimension we can't separate ourselves from our thoughts and emotions, so if someone says something against what we believe, we feel attacked. If we get our information from the 5th Dimension and somebody said something against what we believe, we have a conversation with them and we contemplate it. And we say, “Is this true? Is this not true? Where is this true? Where is this not true? How can I make changes to tweak this so that it can be more aligned with where I want it to be?” And there's a gradient to that, from just beginning to mastery.
2021 is about Choice and the consequences of those choices OUT LOUD. So a lot of dualities are going to be coming up in relationships, partnerships, businesses, communities, politics, and social structures, and they are going to require us to be making choices OUT LOUD.
Duality is happening right now in really big, loud, enthusiastic, traumatic, dramatic ways. The insurrection is not over by any stretch of the imagination. Everybody on the planet right now is either for the evolution to 5D, which is Unity Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, or they're against the Evolution to Unity Consciousness.
That’s going to look like separation, it's going to be one-up-one-down, it’s going to be white supremacy, it’s going to be a lack of integrity, and it's going to be an inability to mete out justice. For instance, we all knew that this insurrection was going to be happening. So why weren't the folks in charge prepared? It makes no sense. That will be dealt with, discussed, and evaluated.
There’s a duality with what happened with the Black Lives Matter protests and the National Guard beating people with batons, and arresting people, and hurting people, versus a skeleton crew of police that was available for the first attempt at a coup, which has been obvious to all of us that have been paying attention.
There are also dualities with the COVID virus. Some people believe it, some don't believe it, some wear a mask, and some don’t. Being able to identify when there are instances of duality gives us the opportunity to make a new choice in awareness and clarity. I see where this is a duality. I see where there are two sides, and I see that there's not a third side.
It's a big thing right now to be as clear and be as grounded as we possibly can. Because not only is the shit hitting the fan, but the fan is hitting the shit. This is not a year of “Oh, we get to be singing Kumbaya”, or we get to be fooling ourselves and continue to be delusional and hide and pretend like stuff isn't real.
If you have chosen to be for the Evolution, I'm going to be part of your success team. I'm going to help you with that. If you're choosing to be against the Evolution, I am going to be calling that out and saying that you have the opportunity to make a different choice, but I will not tolerate your bullshit. This is not a place for nonsense. This is not a place for lies. This is a place for Integrity and Truth.
2021 is not about being neutral. You have to pick a side. And then you have to act, speak, think, do, and feel in alignment with the side you've chosen. Whichever one you choose, be integrous with it.
Are you integrous with being for the Evolution of the planet and Unity Consciousness, moving forward, clearing out the bullshit, coming into alignment with your highest purpose and Soul Purpose which is always about Truth?
Or are you against the Evolution and you're fostering disinformation, falsehoods, lies, chaos, pain, and hate? All of that is against the evolution to 5D. All of that is against Unity Consciousness. So if you are for that, or you are for the people who are interacting with that, then you are part of the group that is against the Evolution to find the Unity Consciousness. Even if you call yourself a Lightworker it doesn't matter.
Your actions, your thoughts, your emotions, and your words are what are creating the reality of what is happening in your life, no matter which side you are on. And if any of those are misaligned, if you're saying, “Oh, I'm a Lightworker, and I'm bringing Light into the world, and I want to create 5D Unity Consciousness, and it's all about love,” but you're supporting people who are perpetuating hate, you're fooling yourself. You are chaos. Because those two things cannot exist in the same space.
If you are able to support the darkness, if you are able to support hate, and negativity, and lies, and hurt, and pain, and other people suffering, if you can tolerate that, you are not part of the Light. Those two things cannot exist in the same experience. No matter how much you try to delude yourself, no matter how much you try to say “Oh, we're just gonna sing Kumbaya and we're going to be at peace and we're going to love everybody.” That is not 2021.
If you are choosing “I'm not going to wear a mask, because I'm not going to have anybody tell me what to do,” that's rebellion. That is not of the Light, that's not Unity, that’s rebellion, it's a lower vibration.
It is a lower, heavier vibration, it is not Unity Consciousness, and it is not going to get you to 5D. You can not get to 5D from a rebellion resonance. You have to change that resonance and bring it into something higher.
“I'm not going to wear a mask because I am responsible for myself and everybody else needs to be responsible for themselves.” I applaud you for being responsible for yourself. But you also have to understand Unity Consciousness is about caring about other people too. If you can't care about other people, too, and do something simple to show it by your actions in the real everyday world then you are not heading toward Unity Consciousness.
Wearing a mask is not a sacrifice. And if you cannot move yourself to love another person enough to wear a mask when you're around them, you are not ready for 5D Consciousness. You cannot get there from here. You're lying to yourself.
I'm not telling you what to think or what to believe. I'm not telling you that you're wrong. I'm telling you to search for your own integrity. Because that's what 2021 is about. Search your own integrity and say, “Why am I doing this? What is the root of this? Am I afraid of something? Am I afraid of listening to somebody else? Am I afraid that somebody else is going to have power over me? Am I afraid that somebody's going to take away my voice?” None of that is Unity Consciousness. That's fear. That's the darkness. That is not the Light.
So we don't get to fool ourselves anymore. This is about choice. I want to be clear. There's a difference between being fearful and being discerning. Discernment is required for 5D, you have to be discerning, you have to have boundaries and parameters, you have to know what is acceptable for you to keep you in Energetic Integrity. And fear is not 5D, and so you really want to evaluate if you are wearing a mask, if you are staying quarantined, if you are doing all the things right and make sure that you're doing them because you have discernment, that it's in alignment and integrity for you. Don't do it out of fear, because fear is not the vibration that you want to be moving in in 2021.
When we clear out our present life and past life blocks and restrictions through the Akashic Record work it raises our vibration, because our choices can weigh down and hold down our vibration. Because we're still dragging around that old baggage and maybe lower-dimensional choices. So when we clear that out, our vibration can actually raise up so that we have access to more light, to more integrity, to more alignment with who we are at a Soul level, to our Soul Purpose, to discernment, and to making quality choices.
Sometimes we're making these heavy, dark, and misaligned choices because we have lots of restrictions we created either in this life or in previous lives. But we can clear these and we can make different choices!
Also remember, calling people out on their bullshit is one of the highest forms of love that you can give another person because allowing people to be deceived is harming them. When you are a person who is an enabler, you're part of the problem.
We need to be creating boundaries and understanding that it's okay to unfriend people. This is not the year to tolerate everybody. Choose what you want to have in your experience and remove what you don’t.
This is the year of being accountable, being responsible, and getting our consequences. If you are in alignment with integrity, with truth, with justice, with fair play, with accountability, personal responsibility, then that's what you're going to see show up in your experience: opportunities for you to be integrous, to be in alignment, to be honorable, to walk your talk, to do those things to be just.
It doesn't matter what side you're on, it's important for you to understand that your choices have severe consequences in 2021. And when I say severe, I mean, fierce, life-altering consequences.
As an example, if you're in alignment with insurrection, with chaos, with lies, with falsehoods, with trauma or drama, then your fierce consequence is going to look like trauma and drama, insurrection in your own families, in your own household, in your own self, in your own beliefs, in your own physical body, in your mental body, your emotional body, all of that.
And if you're doing things that are illegal, Justice is also going to be served this year. That's part of the consequence of choice. The folks that were breaking the law are going to be prosecuted, and the people who failed to do their jobs are also going to see Justice, and the people who instigated illegal activities are also going to see some Justice.
If you're seeing a lot of alignment, a lot of integrity, that people around you are integrous, then know that is a reflection of your choice and your consequences this year.
The insurrection, that's happening, again, is still budding. It's not in full bloom yet. They are also going to turn on people that they thought were supporting them, honoring them, respecting them leading them, and when I say “them,” I'm talking about people who have been deceived into believing that the election was a lie, because that was a deception by the people who did it on purpose, who knew better, who made a choice to lie to people to create an opportunity for chaos and instability.
Justice will prevail. Even the people who were trying to be integrous, who are trying to be just, are also going to get their own consequence. They're going to get their own result, their own karma.
Remember that karma is neutral. It doesn't judge. It doesn't say, “Oh, I'm only going to get bad karma. Oh, I'm only going to get good karma.” Karma is just the result of your choices. And in 2021 we get to SEE karma. It's not going to look like the way you may think it's going to look and that's okay.
It's going to look like the way it needs to look, and the way that it can look right now.
Offer grace to the people that are having to make choices that are going to be uncomfortable, that may be at a different vibrational state than you. This year is going to require a lot of choices and consequences, out loud where everyone sees it. And there will be a lot of emotions around all that, on every side. And that’s ok.
The cosmic gateway is really connected to this karma that we're creating right now, these choices that we are making, these thoughts that we are having, because they are magnetic and powerful, and miraculous changes are occurring for us and for others.
So with everything that's happened this week, if you've had some challenges, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, it's okay. A lot of us have. You need to take time and go into your peaceful place. Find your joy, find your integrity, and really start allowing yourself to heal. Because as we are giving ourselves grace, and we're allowing ourselves to be changed, and we're offering ourselves compassion, we are healing. And that's what it's all about.
We're doing it for ourselves. We're doing it for our families. We're doing it for our communities, our governments, our societies, our cultures, our religions, our planet, and the entire human race. Because we're all doing this together. What we're doing is bringing ourselves into a place of grace, of transformation, of compassion, with boundaries and healing.