Where do ghosts live?
When I say ghosts, I mean, ghosts, Poltergeist, hungry ghosts, negative entities, earthbound spirits, any beings that have left their body, but have not ascended into spirit. So they're kind of in between, right? They're not in the body, but they're not in spirit.
I want to talk about the dimensions just really quickly.
First dimension is just a dot or a point.
Second dimension is a plane. So it's length times width.
Third dimension is the physical experience that we are having. That's length times width times height.
Fourth dimension adds time to that.
And the fifth dimension is spirit and above.
We're going to touch on third, fourth, and fifth dimensions.
Third dimension is where our physical body is, is where we interact in the physical plane and the earthly plane, right?
This is where we're having our experience in the third dimension. When we're in a body, we're in the third dimension.
When we're not in a body, we are not in the third dimension.
So where do we go? Well, there's two options that we know of right now.
There is the fourth dimension, which is in that dimension where time exists, but we're no longer in a body. This is where our thoughts are, right? The thought realm is the fourth dimension.
Here’s the full video where I talk about all this:
Our emotions are not technically in the fourth dimension. Though, most of the time when I talk about 4D, I include the emotions because they're not physical. They're in that state outside of the physical body, but we feel them in our physical body, I have a video that explains all about this third dimension, fourth dimension, fifth Dimension stuff, and I'll link that HERE.
4D is also where the ghosts live, because they are not in a body - 3D. And they're not in spirit, which is 5D.
When I'm working in 5D, I work in the Akashic Records and I can see and interact with all the dimensions below that, I can see what's happening in the fourth dimension, in the mental body, in the emotional body, in that between space and then the physical body. Okay?
So, when these beings that are not in a body but aren't in spirit, they are trapped. They're stuck. They don't see a way out and they need to survive.
And the way they survive is by plugging into people who are still in a body. They also can plug into places depending on what kind of energy they work with but they have to attach to something, to maintain their power, to maintain their energy, to maintain their energetic resources, so that they can still exist, okay?
Check out the video to find out more like how to remove them and about a breath work session where I was whisked behind the veil to the 4th dimension!
And so when beings, these ghost, poltergeists, negative beings, earthbound spirits, people who have not transitioned all the way to spirit after they leave their body, they are on a quest to connect to some person or someplace so that they can maintain energy to stay alive..
And when they connect, they also get to interact with the mental and emotional bodies of the person they connect to. And that means that they're able to draw juice from the thought plane and emotional plane.
And they're also able to communicate with us through our thoughts and emotions. So if you start having thoughts or emotions that are not yours, if you're like, “Where'd that come from?” you want to tap in and see, is there an earthbound spirit or someone/something there? Something that is not me that's attached to me? That is using my energy right now?
And when they plug in to you then you feel what they feel. You think what they think. And you can have dreams or experiences that are not yours. And you're like, “Where did that come from?”
Most likely, it's from these attached entities.
Now people ask about demons, where are they?
They are like angels, they can be in multi dimensions, third, fourth, fifth and above. I have experienced them up to the sixth dimension. I don't know if they go higher than that.
So the big thing to remember about the fourth dimension is the fourth dimension is also the place where we make change. That's where we begin to make changes in our lives.
We start with our thoughts, which is 4D, our emotions, which is in the between, and then we take action in the third dimension, right?
So when we're trying to change our life experience, our human experience, it will start in 4D. We change our beliefs. We change our illusions and delusions, we change what we think.
Then we have emotions that juice us into movement. And then we take that movement or make that change in our third dimensional physical experience.
Why am I explaining all this to you?
Because sometimes if you're having trouble changing, if you're having trouble doing something new, it might not just be because it's new and different. We do have the element of the Ego/Saboteur, which keeps us where we are safe and sound. And it doesn't like change. So there's an element of that.
But there's also the element of, if we have connections with other beings, whether they're in a body or not in the body, those connections are draining our energetic resources. So it makes us less able to take steps in our third dimensional physical experience, because we have less energy to do it.
And change takes effort, we have to stop the ship, and turn it in a new direction and it takes a lot of mental and emotional and physical resources to change our lives.
Now, if we are having an experience, that is difficult, and we're doing our thoughts, and we're doing our emotions, and we're taking our action, and we're feeling aligned, like we're doing our soul purpose, and we're still struggling, or we don't have the energy to do it, it might be that we have a negative entity attachment.
They're all around us.
We just don't see them, because they're in the fourth dimension. You can get viral entities that will make you sick, you can have flare ups of chronic diseases, and these entities will hold an energetic vibration. I give an example in the video.
I have helped people clear out these negative entities, these viral entities, these ghosts, hungry ghosts, Poltergeist, all of this for the last, almost, 13 years. It's a real thing.
And when we clear these out, people feel incredibly better, like way better, like hugely better, transformed better, because it really makes a difference to get rid of these fourth dimensional beings that don't need to be feeding off of you and draining your energy. And then impacting you or influencing you to have thoughts that are not your own, emotions that are not your own, or physical symptoms that are not your own.
If you have any questions, put them in the comments below because I would love to explain or go into more detail on anything that you want to know more about. I just need to know what you want to know more about.
Share this with anyone that you think could benefit.
If you want to have a session with me or you want to check and see if you have any viral entities. Sign up for a one hour session and I'll be able to help you.
P.S. If you think you have a Demon I have someone I can refer you to.