Why I hate Marketing
Disclaimer: This is about how I am designed and what feels good to me in marketing my business. It is not a judgment on how you run your marketing. It works for millions of people and I am not telling you not to do it. This is my experience.
The thing I hate most about running a business is the marketing. But not for the reason you may think. I don’t mind doing the work, learning the apps and ads, writing the content, scheduling the posts, doing the lives, newsletters, and emails. I enjoy all that to a certain extent. It’s not that.
I hate marketing because for me, as a Divine Truth and Divine Self-Expression Soul, the current way that humans respond to marketing feels manipulative, yucky, and against everything I want to be as a person, a leader, and as a business owner. Let me explain.
I was doing Office Hours last night for my Mentorship Program and one amazing Entrepreneur was getting coaching around her new program and marketing it. I heard myself repeating all the things that I know work about each of the platforms and I felt myself cringing as I said it all. I checked in with her Guides and mine to make sure the info I was giving was accurate, and it was, but I was having a distasteful response personally to it all.
After the session, I asked my Guides to help me either clear any blocks or restrictions around this process so I can actively market my business, products, and services or show me the way that is most aligned for me. Then I slept on it, which I consistently do. I do a lot of my own processing, sorting, clearing, and integrating while I am sleeping and in the in-between time between awake and asleep.
When I awoke this morning, it was really clear again to me that the way humans, (clients, customers, friends, potential students, me, etc.) currently respond to marketing is the opposite of how I want to run my business and how I want to serve my clients, or even be served. Here is what I mean.
Currently, Effective Marketing means that you are creating an opportunity for your potential customer/follower to engage with your content through an emotional response. You have to make them FEEL something. Feelings are what currently motivate people to take action. Negative feelings or positive feelings.
People will take action against things they hate or take action toward things they love. They want to move away from pain and move toward pleasure. Away from lack and toward prosperity. All of these are feelings that lead to experiences.
People (including me as a consumer) want to see themselves in the situation, the story, the content you are sharing and thus identify with it. Once they identify with it they have, at least subconsciously, aligned with it or acknowledged that it resonates with them. Resonance is how we attract. Resonance is how we create our life. What we resonate with we have in our life.
That is why effective marketing (marketing that gets people to purchase/enroll) for decades was around pain points. People were aware of the pain in their lives, the pain was what they wanted to change, the pain was what you had to pinpoint for them in your content so they recognized that this thing you are selling can help stop their pain, so they signed up.
As the Law of Attraction became more widely understood the emotional motivation shifted away from focusing on pain points so much because awakening folks want to move toward what they prefer, what they want in their lives. So instead of focusing on pain points the marketing focuses on the end result they want. Where do they want to go in their relationships, career, finances, health and wellness, etc?
Niches, the specific people you are serving and targeting with your marketing, are now about the end result of the offer. The pleasure points, the good stuff they want in their life. All that is great.
Keep with me, I’m getting to my disconnection point.
So effective marketing now is creating an emotional response in your potential customer/student about what they desire in their life. The positive polarity, the juicy marriage, the supportive relationships, or the $20,000 months.
You find what that desire is and market to it so the folks in your niche have an emotional response and find resonance in your content. They feel seen, heard, and recognized so the know, like, and trust time factor shrinks to the present moment. It doesn’t take 6 months to move a client through your funnel anymore. It can all happen today, right now. Because you are speaking directly to their situation, they resonate with it, you activate their emotions, and they take immediate action like purchase your product, enroll in your course, join your email list, etc.
Sounds great, right? It works every day, all day long. Customers are motivated to buy, sellers are happy for sales, everyone is good. So, what is my problem? If I understand it all why am I not doing it all day, every day?
Because if you get to the root of it all, any time you are using someone’s emotions to cause them to take an action that you want them to take, that is manipulation.
And as a Divine Truth and Divine Self-Expression Soul I cannot abide manipulation. I despise it. It is the opposite of personal empowerment. And I cannot stomach it.
I’ve tried it in marketing alot over the past 14 years because my mentors and teachers told me to engage emotions to get people to buy/enroll. They helped craft the content or ads. I have talked with other coaches and teachers about it. I understand where they are coming from and why it works. And it absolutely does work! Every day, all day. Even with me as a consumer. I recognize it.
This has been a topic I have struggled with for years but the last few years I haven’t been able to do any consistent marketing around my business or courses because I don’t want to manipulate people to get them to buy, so I just haven’t marketed day in and day out.
And I will be transparent here, the end result of not engaging people’s emotions to get them to take action means they don’t take action. Period. They don’t buy or enroll. And that really sucks for a business owner who’s sole income is the business. That sucks for the teacher who has alot to teach but no one to teach it to. It is heartbreaking for the empowerment coach who wants to help people learn to take empowered, aligned action without having to be manipulated to take that action. It sucks out loud.
But I am fully committed from today, November 21, 2024, to finding a new way to market to people, to help them feel seen and to understand that what I provide can help them, WITHOUT manipulating them. I have no idea what that is going to look like but I know I have to do it that way.
I am standing fully in the energy of how I want to show up as a leader, as a teacher, as an empowerment coach, as a psychic medium and channel, as an entrepreneur and I can’t let that be negotiable around things like manipulation. I never want to manipulate anyone about anything. I refuse.
And I will find the aligned way for me to move forward, to attract the clients that are mine to serve, to teach the students that are mine to teach, and to empower as many women and children as I can for as long as I remain on the planet. I will find the way because there is no other way for me. I am aligned to empowerment. And that is my pathway in this process.
May I find my way quickly and easily, and may I serve all who I am here to serve fully and completely. It is so.