Transformations happening…
Hopefully your life has been full of bright and positive experiences. I know a lot has been shifting over here at Your Empowerment Place and there will be more updates on all that in the next few weeks.
I have been feeling expectation about a big transformation coming for me in my life and my work for over 6 months now. It has been inching in a little at a time.
Due to my agreement with Spirit, transformations are now forecasted to me through glimpses and opportunities to try it out a little at a time, to allow me to be fully at choice.
You see, my life no longer happens TO me. It only happens FOR me.
And these glimpses and opportunities truly allow me to try it out and make new decisions about how I want to move forward with the transformation.
Once I have tried it out and decided how I want to proceed there is always a pause to allow the energy to settle and for me to DECIDE if I am willing to fully embody the transformation. Meaning am I willing to change everything about myself, my thoughts, emotions, words and actions, to align with who I am shifting into? That pause could be a few months to a few years. And yes, some pauses in the past have been a few years long and while the waiting made me crazy it was perfectly timed.
This is how my big transformations happen. They may not happen the same way for you.
So once I have paused and made my final decision I begin looking for signs of WHEN. As an impatient Aries I always look out for clarification of when the transformation or change is going to happen. Because once I decide I am READY.
So I look for cues and signs. Signals in the real world around me because that is also my agreement with Spirit.
I get progress updates. So the primary way I get signals is with totems, like animals showing up for me. I have a deep connection to animals and their meanings and enjoy the cooperative relationship.
I have been getting my totem updates through the last few months and doing my work on myself and moving forward and about a week ago I began to feel my heart calling out to Snake. I would quickly clarify that I wanted to see, from a safe distance, a harmless black snake to signal when the transformation is active. Because I am scared of snakes in person I wanted to be specific.
For me the black snake shows up when the transformation is imminent. When the change is upon me. And I was surprised that I felt the calling for it deep within me every day this week. And each time I would clarify how I wanted the experience to be.
Yesterday, on Wednesday, May 23, 2024 I felt the urge to get up and look out my front window and saw this beautiful black snake, about 4 feet long, moving across my yard. I immediately began speaking to it both from my Spirit and my mind.
I walked around to my front door and opened it and began filming. I was surprised that the snake stopped, directly ahead of me at the tree line and lifted it’s head as if waiting for something.
I edited out this important section where I thanked them for the transformation twice and then sighed, receiving it. Then the snake turned away to move off.
It had been stopped in that head up stance for about 3-4 minutes waiting for me to acknowledge the transformation. And of course my mind jumped in and reminded me that I don’t want snakes in my outdoor furniture which is why I don’t want cushions outside. LOL.
I am thrilled that the transformation is actually upon me and we will see what all changes and up levels occur as it is happening.
What I know for sure is that I am settled into doing more healing and recalibration sessions and stepping more fully into the transformations I provide to others.
May it bring us all great fulfillment, clarity and alignment to our Soul Purpose. And so it is.