SCOTUS and the Freedom of Choice
Hello Beloved.
Everyone is talking about the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade and end the Federal Right to Abortion Access Health Care for women and pregnant people. It is a lot to process because it impacts so many different people in so many different ways.
If you are on this blog then you likely know my work so you know that everything about my life and work is about choice. About both the obligation and responsibility of personal empowered choice at all times. So you know exactly which side of this issue I stand on.
But when the decision was announced, I cried, I ugly cried. The ruling hit me as grief for so many different people, situations and realities.
I was in my car listening to NPR and as I pulled into my destination they made the announcement.
I was not at all surprised but I was filled with grief that we, as a country, are still so full of disempowerment, the need for control/power over others, and the need to dehumanize other human beings, that this ruling represents. It could not have happened if we, the United States, were not resonate with it.
I went through a process that allowed me to fully process my thoughts and emotions and allowed me to understand how I want to move forward.
My hope for you is that you are finding ways to process your thoughts and feelings in empowered ways, which includes feeling what you are feeling and thinking what you are thinking honestly, without any filters. Just allow it all to be acknowledged without judgment. Think it and Feel it.
Then find ways to express what you are feeling and thinking in a healthy way, like journaling or having someone who will listen and hold space without advising you, just listening. Expression is about getting the thoughts or emotions out of your body so it isn't hidden or placed in any baggage you carry around in your blindspots later on. Express it.
Express it outside of you so you can let it become empowered instead of becoming a block or restriction that brings you negative consequences later on. Think, Feel and Express.
Healthy processing of feelings and thoughts also includes making choices on how you want to move forward in an aligned-for-you empowered way.
What do you want to happen as a result of this situation? What is the end result you prefer?
You need to know because then you can begin to draft the action steps you choose to take to bring about that outcome you desire. Remember that any change in the 3D, Earthly life, requires ACTION on our part. We have to DO something to make the change occur. Otherwise nothing changes. Decide Your Next Steps.
Once you acknowledge all you are thinking and feeling, then you express so you aren't holding it in or ignoring it, then you can look at it and decide what your next action steps can be to create the outcome you want to have. Then DO THOSE THINGS. Take Your Next Steps.
As we have seen proven over and over and over for the entirety of humanity's time on Earth, about various topics: Thoughts and Prayers change nothing on the Earthly plane. Thoughts and prayers are important because they bring you to the awareness of the ACTION YOU CAN TAKE in the Earthly plane to make things change. so Take Action!
The United States
The US is supposed to be a World Leader but it is still just a country lead by a few power hungry people who haven't yet learned the heart lessons that are so needed for our planet to evolve to a higher state of being. And this ruling is the evidence of that.
This country was created in a duality state that allowed for wealth white men to hold all the power and anyone not a wealthy white man to be less-than.
Knowing that is the foundation of this country then why is anyone surprised that it still behaves the same way? It will continue to behave the same way with a “better'“ class and a “less-than” class of people until the foundations of this nation are dismantled and rebuilt with a new foundation of equity and integrity. That means real dismantlement and rebuilding not symbolic, not thoughts and prayers, not just energy, but in reality, 3D, in the Earth plane.
And that will take real action, from real people, in the real world.
During my channeling over the last few years, our Spirit Helpers have been talking about the majority and that the majority needs to be at a higher vibration for the Earth to shift into 5D. And they defined, at that time, that majority as 50% plus 1 of the Earth’s human inhabitants. I asked today about the US situation and Spirit was very clear. The 50% plus 1 includes all peoples of the Earth.
The US, as demonstrated the last few years, is not in a place of fair play, meaning 50% plus 1 will be denied by the 49.9%. (Example: The 2020 Election.) The 50% plus 1 majority only works with people who are good sports, who honor choice and who play fair.
The US governing bodies are no longer functioning in that way. Therefore at this time, the US needs at least 60% plus 1 to have a majority. Even better would be a 65 - 70% majority, but who knows if we can get 65% of people in the US to actually agree on anything these days and then get them to VOTE?
Light Workers
I grieved for all the Light Workers in the world who have been doing their work to bring in more Light, to Enlighten the Humans who are ready. Who see this decision as evidence that it has not been enough. Hold on. Keep doing your part. We can’t stop now.
And I also grieved for all the Light Workers who abandoned their responsibilities to the Light, who have been actively participating in Self-Sabotage, Spiritual Bypassing and choosing not the Vote. Let me be very clear. Spirit has been very clear about this too.
Voting is a responsibility of every Light Worker in the World. It is a real world, 3D action that demonstrates your choice in the world. It is not something that can be ignored without serious consequences to the planet, as we have seen the last decade or more with the planet’s poisoned water, polluted air, environmental distractions, unjust laws and so forth.
If you are still in a body then you have a responsibility to vote for the candidates that align with what you want for your area and the planet itself.
Abdicating that responsibility is turning your back on part of your work. Turn around from this self-sabotage. Come out of your Spiritual Bypassing. You are never too Enlightened to vote as long as you are in a body.
So get registered to vote. Get your communities registered. Vet the candidates and determine which ones align with your desires. Then actually vote for them and encourage others to make their quality decisions and vote.
Mothers/Pregnant Persons and Babies in the Abortion Process
And lastly I grieved for the Mothers/Pregnant Persons and Babies in the abortion plan process. These Beings agreed to an experience that might now be different than they planned before they incarnated. The Mother/Pregnant Person was going to get pregnant and would choose to have an abortion. Everyone knew about this and agreed to it before the incarnation of the Mother/Pregnant Person and before the pregnancy.
You see, the overturning of Roe vs Wade was only one possibility for this time. There are no absolutes. There were many other options of where the US would be right now. And to be honest, the Spiritual dimensions intended the US to be much further along than we actually are. They love us and honor our free-will but will freely tell you that we are behind in the evolutionary process that is intended to reach 5D.
For these Mothers/Pregnant People and Babies the pregnancy-abortion process they agreed to would have been a learning and healing process. But instead, now it will be an additional accumulator of negative karma and even 3D legal consequences that create it’s own karmic consequences. The process could have been intended originally to teach, heal, close cycles and stop generational curses. In my Akashic Records work I have seen this to be true.
However now, it could end up in extra struggle, difficulty, suffering, judgment, potential incarceration or even the premature death of the Mother/Pregnant Person.
Because the choice has been taken away from women/pregnant people in many states, and more to come by the way, this new level of choice to break the law or risk the mother’s/pregnant person’s health adds a new level of unintended consequences that could cause more harm than good. As such it will be important for these Mothers/Pregnant People to know that they have a choice.
The Mother/Pregnant Person can change their mind and revoke the agreement. Just like babies can when they change their minds and decide not to incarnate. These typically end in miscarriages or fetal death prior to birth.
Everyone is always at choice. So women/people who can become pregnant who are concerned about potentially getting pregnant during this time where they know they would choose an abortion and they live in a state that no longer allows it, can revoke the agreement!
You can speak Soul to Soul with this other Being and tell them that you have changed your mind and no longer want to participate in this pregnancy-abortion plan process. And you have to mean it. This is not a thought, not an emotion but a soul level decision and discussion. You speak Soul to Soul.
And then you have to take actions to prevent pregnancy. Remember you have to make different every day choices than you normally would. Be discerning, responsible, cautious and intelligent. Make good quality choices. Stop participating in risky sexual behavior. Use a condom and use the birth control that is best for you. If you are on the pill and are taking antibiotics know that you need to use a different type of birth control. Take steps in the 3D world to not get pregnant. That is on you, as you are the one in the body.
And there are people who need an abortion due to rape, incest, abuse and other traumatic events and these are different karmic cycles than we are taking about.
These too can be resolved but that takes much deeper work. They can still do the above, as well as request additional support with people like me who do that work in the Akashic Records and others who help with therapy, medical treatment, law enforcement, etc. Reach out to the proper people if you need it.
And if you do all this and still find yourself in a situation where you need/want an abortion, then make sure that you are protecting yourself while doing so, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, legally, electronically and in every way.
You deserve body autonomy. We all do. I honor the God/Goddess inside you. I call it the God of Choice.
May we all choose wisely and well. And may all Beings find peace, harmony and good will toward each other, every day.
I love you,