Emotional Manipulation in Marketing
* This is not a judgment on how you market but clarity on what is true for me. If you haven’t read it yet, check out the previous post HERE first.
Emotional manipulation is when a person/company/organization/society engages another’s emotions to cause them to do or not do something the initiator wants.
Emotion-led marketing is the primary marketing used today in the US and likely around the world. If you are on social media of any kind, you see stories, reels, posts, videos, content, ads and more that are successfully getting you to engage, comment, share, or purchase through engaging your emotional state in some way. You either align with it or you are opposed to it. You have an opinion about it or you feel like it is speaking directly to you.
Emotion-led marketing works! Every day, all day. And the reason that I despise it is that it disempowers people from making a choice that might be most aligned for them. It takes power out of the hands of the consumer and puts it into the hands of the businesses/organizations that are trying to provoke an action, like purchasing.
When people either as a group or individually are provoked to action because of an emotional state they can be easily manipulatable. Meaning if your emotions lead you to make decisions then anyone who taps into your emotions and moves them in any way can cause you to make a choice that you otherwise might not have made.
More simply said: If you live your life based on your emotions, you are not the one in charge of your life! The person(s) driving your emotions is in charge of your life. This is also how emotional abusers function but that is for a different blog post.
Let’s break this all down:
Our feelings/emotions live within our Emotional Body. The Emotional Body is a field that surrounds the Physical Body and links the Physical Body to the Mental Body, where our thoughts, beliefs, logics, etc. reside.
In all the modalities in which I work the Mental and Emotional Bodies are generally grouped into the 4th Dimension. As such they are outside of space and present time (3D) and they are not full illumination or Divine Truth (5D and above). They are between these two experiences.
In both our Mental and Emotional Bodies, we can go into the past through memories or go into the future with our imagination. We can remember our past through our mental body thoughts and they can bring emotional body feelings and we can have a visceral (3D) physical body experience of the memory, whether the memory is one that we deem good or bad.
We can re-experience our past through memories. We can also envision our future through daydreaming. Or we can set future goals where we activate our mental body while detailing what we want and then take our senses into that future experience so we can feel, in whatever way we feel/see/experience these things, so that we can align with it and move ourselves toward what we want.
This is part of the widely circulated manifestation process linked to the Law of Attraction. We move out of where we are to where we want to go through our thoughts and emotions that then make us have a physical body sensation of that experience which then attracts that experience into our physical reality.
Well, if you believe in that process then what I am about to say may add some additional perspective. This process works when ANYONE activates your thoughts and emotions. Whether it is you or someone else! Once your emotions are activated you begin to attract those experiences into your life.
All of this makes sense, right? So why am I so concerned about emotional marketing?
Because we, as human beings, are not designed to be led around by our thoughts and emotions. We are supposed to be in charge of our thoughts and emotions, they are not supposed to be in charge of us.
We are designed to be led by our Alignment, which comes from 5D and above. When we are upleveling, aligning, clearing, etc. We are aligning our 3D physical world to our 5D Spirit world. When we talk about moving the Earth Plane into 5D we are talking about the same thing. We are shifting the 3D Physical Earth Plane into the 5D Spiritual Earth Plane.
Our thoughts and emotions are tools that help us know where we are on our human journey. They orient us to which vibrations we are in. Are we grumpy, happy, thriving, starving, humiliated, financially abundant? Are we emotionally reactive or mentally pensive? Are we longing for something or someone? Are we missing the good ole-days or excited about our future? Are we constantly looking forward or are we taking action now?
Our time on this planet is finite in this particular physical body. How are we using that 3D time? Is our time, our 3D physical experiences, run by our thoughts, emotions, or our Spirit otherwise known as our Divine Plan?
My guess is 95% of the time, our lives are based on our thoughts and emotions. It is always based on our thoughts and emotions unless we specifically take the time to get out of them, out of 4D and into 5D, through deep meditative states, trances, trances channeling, etc. Standard mediations do not always get you into 5D. Mediations can implant new thoughts/emotions or thought/emotional patterns, or release them and these are useful but they are not how you are designed to make decisions in your life. They are how you experience your life.
“Your thoughts and emotions are not how you are designed to make decisions in your life. They are how you experience your life. ”
And because they are how we experience our lives we become reactionary to them, in ways we consider positive or negative. We rebel, we comply, we lash out, we accept, we agree, or we disagree. Then we take action based on that response. If we disagree and we are in an immature emotional state, which is a state that has not been matured up, then we can lash out, yell, say things we might regret and so on. We have all been there.
If we are in a matured up emotional state, which means we have dealt with our shadow around the topic and are no longer triggered by it or have tools in place to help us when we are and we apply them, then our response can be more measured and more aligned to what we want in our life.
BUT, we are still reacting from 4D. whether it is a triggered response or a measured response, the response is still taking action from a place that is outside of space and outside of present time, in 4D. It is in that between state between our physical experience and our Spiritual/Life Plan experience.
Now I am not saying that 4D is a bad place nor is it unuseful. 4D is part of what makes being a human interesting and exciting. Interesting (Mental Body) and exciting (Emotional Body).
4D is designed to be part of our human experience but it is not designed to LEAD the human experience. These two powerful bodies, mental and emotional, are tools to help us create the life we want and to know when we are not there or when we are heading in the opposite direction.
Now as a human race, we have not taught ourselves this. Instead, we have taught ourselves to live our 3D physical experience THROUGH our 4D, Mental and Emotional bodies. We make decisions based on our emotions or on our beliefs. We are moved to like or dislike something based on how we feel about it or what we think about it. We focus on these 2 bodies so much that what we read, watch, listen to as music, discuss with friends, complain about at work are all based on activating a 4D response. Primarily your emotional response.
Take some time to think about a book you love. Do you love it because of how it made you feel or how it made you think? Did it help you understand (4D Mental body) something differently or help you forgive (4D Emotional Body) something from your past? Really give this a good examination. Then ask yourself, what action did I take in my 3D every day physical life based on how this book impacted me? Do I respond/act differently than I did before?
Engagement with the 3D and 4D human experience is powerful. It can move you to do positive powerful things and negative powerful things. And now knowing that can you understand why I am so concerned?
Because if I can engage you at a 4D level in a way that will cause you to respond in the way that I want you to respond then I am the one running your life in that moment or about that topic. I am the one making your choices for you. You are simply responding to my stimuli in a way that you are already programmed, through habits and past experience, to respond.
Why do you think politicians are so easily able to bring people into their side of the debate or to enrage them to hate? It is through engaging their emotions primarily and their beliefs/thoughts. They will tell people what they already believe and will stoke their emotions around that topic until they are ready to take action, which is to vote for them or their cause.
It is so easy to get people to make a choice based on 4D. It happens all day, every day. And I refuse to do it.
I don’t want to manipulate you in order for you to want to heal your past and create the future you want in your life. For the deeply transformative work I do, I need you to be ready to change what you have been doing in the past and ready to take new actions in the future. That doesn’t come from manipulation. It comes from drive. From readiness. From a personal awareness that you are ready to move from where you are to where you want to go.
Awareness is 5D, you won’t feel anything about it, it just is. You won’t have any opinions about it, it just is. Awareness doesn’t care about your thoughts and emotions. It cares about Divine Truth and it just is. That is what I want to work with more in my marketing. Awareness. That 5D Truth that just is.
We will see how that shows up moving forward.
I love you,