How To Shift Into 5D Unity Consciousness
Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner

How To Shift Into 5D Unity Consciousness

Ever hear people go on and on about 5D? Maybe you keep hearing the term ‘Unity Consciousness’ or ‘Christ Consciousness’, but you’re not exactly sure what it means. Read on to learn more about these terms, and how we can collectively reach 5D, Unity Consciousness as a planet, so we can all live a happier and more empowered existence.

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3 Reasons To Get Your Akashic Records Practitioner Certification
Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner

3 Reasons To Get Your Akashic Records Practitioner Certification

So much of the time, we have certain experiences that we just can’t seem to explain. Perhaps it’s a certain type of relationship that we keep attracting into our experience or a situation with money that keeps happening, over and over again. No matter what we do, we continue to live out these patterns that we just can’t break free from. Or, we see other people around us caught in these toxic patterns, and we wish so badly that we could help them.

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Can't Manifest? Try this!
Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner

Can't Manifest? Try this!

Have you tried EVERYTHING when it comes to manifesting, but no matter what you do, it just never seems to work for you?

You’ve probably tried the usual methods coaches teach, that go a little something like this 👇🏻

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Are the Akashic Records Ungodly?
Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner

Are the Akashic Records Ungodly?

Today I’m going to be answering one of the BIGGEST questions I get around the Akashic Records. That question is, “Are The Akashic Records UnGodly?”

You see, I live in the South, often known as the Bible Belt. There are a lot of folks here who consider anything outside of the Church as not being Godly. When I speak of my work as an Akashic Records Practitioner, I’ll sometimes be met with criticisms like, “Oh them Akashic Records...those are the devil honey!”

And that is simply not true at all. 

Let’s dive into why that is so we can debunk this myth once and for all!

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How To Release Past Life Vows That Are Keeping You Stuck
Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner

How To Release Past Life Vows That Are Keeping You Stuck

Do you feel like no matter how hard you try to enact change in an area of your life, you remain stuck? Perhaps you feel misaligned, and no matter what you do to try and shift your patterns, you keep repeating the same cycles, time and time again.

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Money Issues: Should You Check The Akashic Records?
Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner

Money Issues: Should You Check The Akashic Records?

Have you tried EVERYTHING you can think of to solve your money problems, but you’re STILL having difficulties? If you’ve tried everything under the sun, from shadow work to meditation to mantras, but you’re still having trouble attracting (and keeping!) money, it might be time to access the Akashic Records.

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What Are The Akashic Records?
Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner

What Are The Akashic Records?

Perhaps you’ve heard about the Akashic Records, and you’re intrigued, but you still have questions. Today I’ll break down and de-mystify the Akashic Records, and show you why they’re a powerful tool to help you get closer to your Soul purpose and understand who you are on a Soul level.

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3 Truths Entrepreneurs Need to Know To Succeed In Their Business
Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner

3 Truths Entrepreneurs Need to Know To Succeed In Their Business

Each and every one of us has a gift inside of us to share with the world. For many of the women in my community, they want to share their gifts with the world through the vehicle of entrepreneurship. Whether you are a healer, spiritual entrepreneur, artist or creative, being your own boss can help you bring your dreams to life, and you can get paid for it too.

However, despite seeing so many women want to strike out on their own, I find there are certain things that tend to hold them back. They stay stuck, consuming all the content they can find but never actually taking the first steps. If you’re ready to transition from being a “wannapreneur” to making entrepreneurship your reality, read on to learn the three most important things new and aspiring heart-centered entrepreneurs need to know. Come back to these three Truths whenever you're feeling stuck or discouraged.

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Going into the hard emotional places to find solutions - A Channeled Message
Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner

Going into the hard emotional places to find solutions - A Channeled Message

And so a lot of the things that are happening on the planet right now are happening because it's time and they're going to continue to happen until we make different choices. And what that means is we have to go into those places that we don't want to go into, we have to go into those spaces of fear, pain, upset, discomfort, triggering, right? And the reason that we go into them is to find the solution.

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Why Launch an Akashic Records Course During a Pandemic?
Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner

Why Launch an Akashic Records Course During a Pandemic?

… “why am I going to be launching a program that's going to ask people to invest their money into it? A program that will change their lives. But for people who are in a state of feeling out of control, feeling, maybe less confident in their income, worried about their health and so forth, right? It's like why, why now?”

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Why Are You Always Selling Stuff?
Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner Tamalla, Your Empowerment Partner

Why Are You Always Selling Stuff?

“Tamalla I love all the free stuff you send, and your classes look really interesting but why are you always selling something? Isn’t this the time to be giving stuff away? And it isn’t Spiritual to keep asking people to buy stuff. Or is it?”

I loved this statement and questions because it is exactly WHY I sell. Let me explain.

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