3 Truths Entrepreneurs Need to Know To Succeed In Their Business
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Each and every one of us has a gift inside of us to share with the world. For many of the women in my community, they want to share their gifts with the world through the vehicle of entrepreneurship. Whether you are a healer, spiritual entrepreneur, artist or creative, being your own boss can help you bring your dreams to life, and you can get paid for it too.
However, despite seeing so many women want to strike out on their own, I find there are certain things that tend to hold them back. They stay stuck, consuming all the content they can find but never actually taking the first steps. If you’re ready to transition from being a “wannapreneur” to making entrepreneurship your reality, read on to learn the three most important things new and aspiring heart-centered entrepreneurs need to know. Come back to these three Truths whenever you're feeling stuck or discouraged.
Truth #1 - If It's in Your Heart, It’s Yours To Do
This first Truth means exactly what it says - if it’s in your heart, it’s yours to do. If it wasn't in your heart to do then it would be in somebody else's heart to do!
SO many people get an incredible idea, or they feel a yearning to do something - maybe it’s starting a business or a passion project, or maybe it’s just sharing their work with the world.
But then a little voice stops them….“Who am I to do that?”
Suddenly, the doubt kicks in. They begin to think of all the reasons it’s NOT possible, or why they shouldn’t be the ones to bring that vision into the world.
But here’s the thing: If you WEREN’T the person to do it, the idea or vision would not be planted in your heart in the first place!
It's your gift, it's your blessing, it's your responsibility, it's your authority, and you have available to you anything and everything that you're going to need to make it happen.
So actually, you have the responsibility, and the obligation to do it. Take action.
Another important note around this is: If it’s NOT in your heart, it’s not yours to do.
Often, when we're planning on starting a business, we gather input from other people. We ask questions like, “What should I do? What am I really good at? What do you think people would pay me for?”
There’s nothing wrong with this, but we need to make sure we take this information and put it into our heart space and ask ourselves:
Does this feel aligned for me?
Does this feel good?
Am I passionate and enthusiastic about this?
For example, let’s say you think you want to be a business coach, and you want to talk about managing finances, or specialize in hiring and creating a great team, or getting your business systems up and running. DO THAT! You don’t need to teach getting new clients or making sales just because you see other coaches doing that. Stick with what is in your heart!
Focus on your strengths and ask yourself what you’re really, truly passionate about. Lean into alignment and what feels true to you rather than listening too carefully to others or limiting yourself to what you “should” do.
Truth #2 - You Are Enough!
As a life and business coach, one of the BIGGEST things I see that holds back new and aspiring heart-centred entrepreneurs, is that they think they’re not enough.
I understand that as a new entrepreneur, there is a LOT to learn. It can be overwhelming! So it’s very normal to feel that you need to take a course, or perhaps you need to hire someone to help you with a certain area of your business, like marketing or accounting.
But none of those things mean you aren’t worthy or you aren’t enough. They simply mean you’re on the path.
However, feeling we are unworthy leads to inaction. When we sit around thinking, “Who am I to do this? I’m not good enough.” we’re never going to see results in our business.
Understand that you have all the resources you need within you. There is nothing you need that you don’t already possess or can’t get a hold of in order to start your business.
Truth #3 - Start Where You Are.
Results come from action. And if you are a solopreneur, and you’re spending all your time feeling unworthy, well who’s going to be the one to go out there and complete the actions needed to see results, hmmm?
If you want to take your business from a hobby into a professional business, taking action is the #1 most important thing to focus on. I don’t mean hoping and praying, or meditating either.
You have to START where you are.
Ask yourself, what’s the next best thing I can do to get the ball rolling?
This might mean picking up the phone and scheduling a doctor’s appointment to get healthy so you can start or run building your business well.
This might mean reaching out to a friend and asking her the name of her VA if you feel that tech is holding you back.
This might mean sending an email to one potential customer and seeing if they need your services.
If you feel you have a knowledge gap somewhere, taking action MIGHT mean signing up for a course or workshop. However, you need to be aware that you will never feel 100% ready to take the leap!
If you find yourself saying things like, “I just need to take this course or watch these videos on YouTube before I ever create my first video”. Or, “I need to sign up for this workshop on bookkeeping before I start my business.”, you’re probably clinging on to courses because they’re making you FEEL like you’re taking action, when in reality you’re simply acquiring knowledge while staying in the exact same spot.
Ask yourself, “Is this course the next best step for me, or am I just making an excuse because I don’t feel ready?”
If it’s the latter, make a commitment to yourself. “I’m an entrepreneur, and I don’t make excuses. I take action.” Try your best to live out those values.
Taking The Path of Least Resistance
For many of us, we’ve told ourselves stories over the years that life needs to feel hard. We carry this over with us into entrepreneurship. But in reality, your business doesn’t HAVE to feel hard. It’s going to be work, yes, but it’s simply about taking the actions that lead to results.
What we need to do is separate ourselves from our businesses, just a little. I understand that for many heart-centred entrepreneurs, our businesses feel deeply personal.
But if you are taking the actions needed and not seeing results, it’s probably coming down to one of a few things:
Your offer isn’t aligned with what you actually want to be doing
Your offer isn’t solving your ideal client’s problem
You are targeting the wrong types of clients
NONE of these reasons are personal, and they are all things that can be solved. We need to stop spiraling into the trap of thinking “This is about me.” “I’m not good enough.” “I need to take another course.”. WRONG! You might only need a few tweaks.
So often, we get in our own way by getting too invested in our emotions and the stories we’ve told ourselves for so many years too. They’ve become deeply ingrained beliefs. Stories we may have heard from our family, friends, our culture and society in general - that often tell us we can’t or we’re not enough.
Taking the path of least resistance means making the commitment to yourself that you won’t stand in your own way.
It means getting into the habit of asking yourself, “How can this be easy?”
What if you didn’t need to struggle? If you just took the next best step?
I promise you, it really can be easy!
So if it's ours to do, we ARE enough, and we have all the available resources we need to get it done, and we're going to start exactly where we are and moving forward from there, then what else is there to do?
How is it not going to be successful? It has to be successful. It has to, because we're aligned, we’re living out our our heart's desire, and we’re doing so with passion.
We're moving forward through the path of least resistance, we're getting it done and we're starting where we are.
And as we move forward on our path, we might find, “Oh I like this way a little bit better!” - so we make a little change and we start doing it that way. And then we go, “Oh, wait a minute, I like this one a little bit better”, so we start doing it that way. That's how our businesses evolve. That's how Entrepreneurs become CEOs and business owners, by taking action day in and day out and continually growing and evolving as they acquire more wisdom.
I KNOW these three Truths might seem simple or basic to you. But I am being 100% Truthful here - it doesn’t matter how many fancy strategies you have, if you haven’t mastered these fundamental understandings, it is going to be incredibly difficult for you to move your business forward.
If you find yourself stuck clinging onto one of these beliefs - that you’re unworthy, that your passion is not yours to do, that you are unable to take action - you may need support clearing blocks from your past that are holding you back.
Schedule an Akashic Record reading with me to identify the deeply ingrained patterns that keep you from building the business of your dreams and CLEAR them for good. You deserve it, the world deserves it, because what is in your heart is so needed!
Schedule your Akashic Reading and Clearing HERE.
Watch the video about this topic below.
I love you, and I believe in you!