Are the Akashic Records Ungodly?
Today I’m going to be answering one of the BIGGEST questions I get around the Akashic Records. That question is, “Are The Akashic Records UnGodly?”
You see, I live in the South, often known as the Bible Belt. There are a lot of folks here who consider anything outside of the Church as not being Godly. When I speak of my work as an Akashic Records Practitioner, I’ll sometimes be met with criticisms like, “Oh them Akashic Records...those are the devil honey!”
And that is simply not true at all.
Let’s dive into why that is so we can debunk this myth once and for all!
All About The Different Dimensions
Usually, when people hold on to this misconception about the Akashic Records being unGodly, it is because they lack a fundamental understanding of the Records and how to use them as a practical tool to understand our human experience. If you want to know more about the Akashic Records themselves, check out this blog post.
To get a better understanding of the Records, let’s go over the different dimensions.
The third dimension: This is the dimension we experience the world through. We experience the third dimension through our senses: things we can touch, taste, smell, see and hear. The third dimension exists within space and time.
The fourth dimension: The fourth dimension is our mental body - the dimension where our thoughts occur. Our thoughts are actually outside of time and space, we can look back to our pasts or envision our future (unlike 3D which is entirely reliant on what is happening at that specific time and place).
The Emotional Body - The Bridge Between 3D and 4D
So where do emotions come into play? I like to consider our emotional body as the bridge that connects our 3D and 4D selves.
What that means is we are here having an experience, living our life in the present moment (in 3D), and we have a thought that generates an emotion that then moves us to action. OR, we have an emotion that creates a thought, that then creates ANOTHER emotion that moves us to action.
Our emotional body is the fuel. Emotions fuel our thoughts, and emotions fuel our actions, so they're technically the bridge between the third and fourth dimensions. But usually when I talk about them, I tend to put them into the fourth dimension because our emotions are also outside of space and time.
We remember feelings of trauma, excitement, joy, happinesses, sadness or regret. And we also can project our feelings into the future. We can project what certain experiences in the future would feel like. So, the emotional body is also outside of space and time.
The fifth dimension: The fifth dimension is the dimension of our spirit. The fifth dimension exists outside of space and time. This is also the dimension where the Akashic Records are located.
How do blocks and restrictions occur?
Knowing what we know about the various dimensions, let’s consider how blocks and restrictions are created. What happens is we take actions in our third dimension, and we create things like contracts or vows, or various other blocks and restrictions, and then they get stored in our Akashic Record. They’re stored there, and if we don’t clear them out in the lifetime they occurred, they're still hanging over us.
They're still attached to us, because of the choices we've made. We’ve made those choices through an emotional response or a mental response, that then moved us into action.
And it is that action that we take in the third dimension that then creates our karma. Karma is simply a mechanism that occurs when we take an action. We take a specific action, and then Karma spits out the consequence, or the result.
And so as all of these things work together - our thoughts, our feelings, and our actions that create our reality, each one of these things is getting stored in our Book of Records.
That’s all the Akashic Records are. They are simply a storage place, a collection of all your thoughts, feelings, and actions over the course of this lifetime, as well as past and present lifetimes. They are simply a record of all of our experiences.
The Records are a neutral place. There is no judgment there, there are no opinions there. They are simply a record of all of our experiences.
We can access the Records as a practical tool to better understand our experience, and why we make certain choices.
The Akashic Records are not “the devil” or “mystical spirits” - nothing like that at all. In fact, many people consider the Akashic Records, and what is often referred to as God’s “Book of Remembrance” or “Book of Life” to be one and the same. For thousands of years, in Judeo-Christian religious texts, there has been reference to a book containing pertinent information on each individual and their actions, decisions, thoughts and intentions throughout their lifetimes.
In other words, seeking guidance from the Akashic Records is not rejecting God. You can be a loyal follower of God and call upon the Records as a tool from God him/herself.
Learning to access your own Akashic Records is something I teach in my Akashic Records Certification course.
You can also learn to read other people’s Akashic Records, with permission from their Soul. No one can ever access our own records without explicit permission for our soul. Souls have to WANT to be read by a practitioner.
You can give professionals like me permission to access your Akashic Records, and to find out all sorts of amazing stuff about you: like your soul purpose, your soul group of origination, all your spirit guide information, your Godspark, all of this delicious, wonderful juicy information about how incredible you are.
The other side of that coin is finding out any blocks or restrictions that you have that may be preventing you from fully stepping into all of your amazing-ness. Through the modality that I teach, we can clear out those blocks and restrictions so that you are able to start with a clean slate.
Interested in joining me for the Akashic Records Practitioner Certification? It is by application only and class registration opens soon. Apply here so we can discuss and see if it is right for you.
Interested in booking your own Initial Akashic Records Reading? Book yours here.