Why Are You Always Selling Stuff?
“Tamalla I love all the free stuff you send, and your classes look really interesting but why are you always selling something? Isn’t this the time to be giving stuff away? And it isn’t Spiritual to keep asking people to buy stuff. Or is it?”
I loved this statement and questions because it is exactly WHY I sell. Let me explain.
I am called to help up-level Consciousness on the planet. That is the root of my Soul Purpose. Transforming all relationships to and clarity of our own Unity Consciousness and the Wisdom Consciousness of the Universe. Part of that transformation includes our understanding around our relationship with our own power, choices and consequences.
And for now, money is the deepest way people use their power and their power of choice and consequence.
The way the monetary system works right now for almost all of the inhabitants of the planet is that we trade units of our finite life span for money (or other valuable consideration). We do things for money, we work, sell products or services, etc.
In return we are given money that we then invest in what is important in our lives. Food, clothing, shelter first (Physiological needs). These are the basic needs and then we flow up Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that he spoke of in his Theory of Motivation: Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem/Ego Driven, to Self-Actualization. And everyone is in a different place on the pyramid.
Now, my place in this process is to help people climb the pyramid by taking personal responsibility (Consciousness + Action) because life does not happen to us. We are, no matter what it looks like, always at choice. (Coming from a past of abuse, I can tell you that it is true even then.) And we are fully able to move up or down the pyramid, or Consciousness for that matter, through our choices. Our choices of thoughts, emotions, patterns of behaviors and so on.
Now back to selling. Why sell stuff? Because, as we discussed, we humans give away pieces or blocks of our finite lifespan in exchange for money, therefore money is now equated with our life and by extension our life force. Life Force is the vital force energy that animates us. It is how we move thru this life. And we trade our life force’s activities for money. We trade or invest our life for money.
I want to say that again, We trade or invest our LIFE for money.
So, when we do that, the money that we trade for our life becomes more valuable than we have understood.
Money becomes the tangible expression of the creative energy that gives us life. It is aligned to us and our life force because it is now part of our life force.
Money becomes the tangible expression of the creative energy that gives us life. It is aligned to us and our life force because it is now part of our life force.
And being called to up-level the Consciousness on the planet, I am required to uphold for you that investing in you is the highest honor you can give yourself. Investing your money which is what you have traded your life force for, into what will move/change/shift and transform you into the FULLNESS of who you truly are at Soul level and what you came to the planet to do is paramount, especially now!
If I did not offer you the opportunity to invest in your clearing of blocks that keep you from your total power, then I would be doing you a disservice. If I did not offer you the opportunity to align your life force to your own empowerment, I would be violating my own work here on the planet.
And I won’t do either of those things. I honor you as the powerful creator of your own experience and I honor my work and what I have come to do to help transform the Earth into its highest expression possible, every day, as we move toward 5D.
So, when I am ‘selling’ you a class, certification, membership, reading, coaching, etc. what I am doing is offering you the opportunity to use your life force for your own power-filled transformation. To invest in what serves you instead of what no longer serves you. To align your life force with what gives you life, not wastes your valuable life force.
Here is real life example that might explain what I mean. Last year during football season I had this experience:
A person who said they ‘desperately needed’ to clear past life blocks through my Akashic Records reading but could not ‘afford’ a session and wanted me to discount it for them had been posting all over social media the multiple professional football games they had been to over the past weeks and I had seen those postings. They had looked like fun.
I clearly heard Spirit say, “Show her the Truth about where she spends her money and use those games as an example.”
So, I asked her about those games and if she planned to go anymore. She said yes, that they didn’t have season tickets but had a friend and they could buy the friend’s tickets each weekend if they wanted because they were out of town. I asked her if she knew how much she spent on 1 game with tickets, refreshments, parking, and so forth. She said that they didn’t buy a lot of refreshments and no alcohol so it wasn’t much but she didn’t know for sure. I knew because George and I had looked into it and though we both would enjoy going, we decided to invest our money in what served us instead.
I had her pull up her bank account and look. She counted up everything and it came to just under $600. For 1 game for 2 people. And they had been at least 4 times and had planned to go at least that many more times in the coming weeks.
Now I want to stop here and say, there is nothing wrong with going to a football game and enjoying yourself and spending money on fun, if you have the money to do it.
But that was not what was happening here. This person was investing her money in what was NOT SERVING HER and she wanted ME TO SACRIFICE my life force and discount my services that could change her life because she had chosen to invest her life force into football games that wouldn’t change her life. Go back and read that again.
These games were not only not serving her but they were an escape from her life. She got to forget her worries and struggles and find comradery with folks for a few hours, but her life was still the same afterwards.
And I asked her, “How are those games serving you?” And she realized that she was using them to avoid having to deal with the real issues in her life. That she was numbing out, ignoring, mentally checking out during these short-term-feel-good distractions.
And how many times do we all do this? Frequently. It may not be football, but it is likely something. It’s what we are trained to do. To give our money/life force to others to avoid our lives or to have experiences outside of ourselves instead of inside where we might touch scary things.
Sports games don’t change our lives. Concerts can be great fun but if you have to give up what really serves you then you are better off avoiding the concert. Instead buy the CD or listen to that artist on a free service and invest in you. So that you can get yourself to the point where you CAN afford to go to those things AND continue to invest in you. Not either/or. BOTH!
You will never change your life by avoiding the issues, by distracting yourself from your pain or fear, nor by expecting others to sacrifice their life force for you. It is your life and your life force, and you are responsible and accountable for how you use it. Like attracts like, but that is for a future discussion.
You can spend your life force on short term by-passing, or you can invest it in long term transformation. And that is, as everything is, your choice.
And make no mistake, you will receive the consequences of that choice: continued life as you currently have it or transformation. And by not investing in something that changes you, you are choosing your life to stay exactly as it is.
You don’t have to invest more than you have, that would be disempowering. There is an opportunity within your budget. Find it, invest in it. Do the work. Transform. You deserve it! And the world needs you to do your part to up-level so you can fulfill your Soul’s purpose for this lifetime, before you leave the planet. We need you.
And I am going to keep doing my part of the equation. I keep investing in my own transformations and I do the work and transform and then I bring my transformed self to serve you, always. Offering opportunity after opportunity for your transformation. Or transformation opportunities that you share with your family, friends or community. In every price range, and in various levels of woo-woo. Because everyone deserves the ability to choose to invest in themselves! That is why I have so many different kinds. Always new information, new opportunities, and new up-levels. There is no excuse.
Choose you first. Fill your cup up first so you can then give from your overflow to others, if you choose.
And you don’t have to buy anything I am selling. If it appeals to you, AWESOME, then grab it! But if it doesn’t this time that is perfect. It might be right the next time or the next or never.
Your being OPEN to looking for what WILL serve you, what will transform you, what will be the highest investment of your life force into yourself allows The Universe/God/Your Guides to bring you the transformation investment opportunities that are perfect for where you are right now. And they won’t be free!
You will be expected to make choices of where you want to invest your money and life force from now on. Choose wisely. Choose you! You are worth it.
If you want to check out the investment opportunities available right now, visit https://YourEmpowermentPlace.com
I love you,