When do we get our Spirit Guides?

Have you ever wanted to learn more about the different types of spirit guides? It’s time to get to know them! 

This is actually what our January class is going to be about. I’ll be giving you a DETAILED class on how to better understand and communicate with your Guides. In today’s post, I’ll be giving you a little intro on our first circle of Spirit Guides. 


We actually have multiple circles of guides that work with us, which I’ll go into more detail on in another post. Today we're going to talk about our inner circle. 

Inner Circle Spirit Guides

These are the Guides that have been human before, which means that they’ve incarnated in the human body in the past. These Guides understand the human experience. And because of that, they're able to offer us sound advice and wisdom as we move forward. 

We each have these guides that come to us throughout different periods in our lifetime. They don't all come to us at once. 

The Spirit Guide We’re Born With

We all have one Spirit Guide that we are born with and who stays with us until we die. This is our lifetime Guide. This Guide helps us stay on target with our plan that we created for ourselves before we came into this lifetime. Before we were born, we actually created a life plan. Our lifetime Guide is the one that helps us move through that life plan. 

The Second Guide

Our second Guide that we get comes to us somewhere between the ages of four and six years old. This is when we begin to come into our phase of choice. 

We start deciding what clothes we want to wear, what movies we want to watch, what books we want to read, what toys we want to play with. This is where we first start making decisions!

The more we step into choice, the more opportunity we have to get guidance from our Spirit Guide.

The Third Guide

The third guide comes in somewhere between the ages of eight and ten, and this one will help us at that next level of clarity, choice and decision-making. That’s because it’s during this time frame that we’re beginning to express our individuality. We start to understand how different we are from other people - from our friends, our family, our schoolmates. We start to understand what makes us similar and what makes us different - we're starting to really dig into what makes us US.

The Fourth Guide

The fourth Guide comes in somewhere between twelve and fourteen, at the beginning of our teenage years when we’re starting to become more independent. These are the Guides that help us make more aligned choices as we step into adolescence. We begin to make more important decisions and come into our own even more, and these Guides help provide us with wisdom throughout these important formative years.

The Fifth Guide

When we’re between eighteen and twenty, or maybe even up to twenty-two, we get another Spirit Guide. This is the Guide that helps us as we move into adulthood. They support us as we grow up - maybe we move out of our parent’s place at eighteen, or maybe later when we graduate from college. 

When A Guide Perpetuates Negativity

Our Spirit Guides are meant to be a positive influence in our life, and most of the time they are. But can Guides ever disempower us?

The answer is yes, they indeed can at times.

If we are perpetuating a pattern of disempowerment during that time when they come in, they will uphold that pattern for us. 

Here’s how that happens. Let’s say that our second Guide, the one that comes to us in early childhood, comes to us at five years old. At that time, we are carrying an energy of isolation. Maybe we’re a shy kid - we prefer working on art projects by ourselves or immersing ourselves in our creative daydreams. 

What that means is that that Guide, who came to us at five years old, will continue to hold onto that resonance of isolation.

We may now be in our forties or fifties, looking to expand our social circles and meet new people, to make new soulful connections... but our Guide will actually be holding us back because they are still holding that resonance of isolation. 

We could even be carrying that energy of isolation and bringing it into our current experience from a past lifetime. 

How Can We Fix This?

One way to remedy this is by going into the Akashic Records. During an Akashic Record Reading I can open up your Records, see each one of your Guides, and which one is perpetuating an energy that may no longer be serving you, so that together we can re-assign your guide.

 Book Your Initial Akashic Records Session Here 

It’s extremely important for us to not only understand our Guides - who they are, how they communicate with us and what we do - but also to understand if they are holding onto any negativity. If this is the case, we need to have them re-assigned. 

Together we can make sure your Guides get reassigned. When a Guide is reassigned, it’s taken away to get cleansed, and they get sent onto their next evolutionary process. 

Our new Guide then steps in to help us fulfill whatever it was that we desire most at that time. 

What Do We Do When a Guide is Reassigned? 

When our Guide is reassigned, and we get a new one who is going to help us shift into our most empowered existence, it’s important we get to know them. We need to learn how to communicate with them, how to recognize when they’re communicating with us, and learn what it is they’re here to help us do because all of them have a different job. 

All of our Guides do different things and help us in different ways. It’s KEY you learn about each and every one of them if you want to get the best support possible in shifting to your next level of consciousness.

That is EXACTLY what I’m going to be talking about and teaching you in the Spirit Guide class. I would love for you to join us.

Join Us For The January Spirit Guide Class


All of Your Spirit Guide Circles, Explained


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