The Most Important Thing You Need To Do In Order to Reach 5D Unity Consciousness
If you’re a spiritually motivated Soul, you’re probably familiar with the concept of 5D. You’ve maybe heard those around you talk about moving into 5D, Unity Consciousness (or maybe you’ve heard it referred to as Christ Consciousness!) But nobody seems to be talking about what we really need to do as individuals to actually get there.
What are the practical steps we need to take to get to 5D, Unity Consciousness?
Guiding you through those steps is what I’m all about. Read on to learn all about one of the most important things you need to understand in order to move from 3D into 5D.
In order to get to 5D, Unity Consciousness, we absolutely must get there from a place of Integrity Consciousness©, or Conscious Integrity©.
This is the next phase we need to be in, in order for us to reach 5D.
As a reminder…
3D is our physical experiences
4D is our mental body - our thoughts and emotions
5D is our spirit, that transcends space and time
We have to CHANGE the way we experience things in the third and fourth dimension if we ever want to get to the fifth one.
To get to 5D, we need to lighten things up and release blocks that may be standing in our way. We need to discard the heaviness and everything that’s weighing us down.
This doesn’t mean being overly positive about everything, ignoring reality and living in an alternate Universe. Not at all!
This means paying close attention to our current reality, and realigning ourselves to attract things that vibrate at a higher frequency. We must begin to shift our third dimensional experience through the Law of Attraction, and attract what serves us as we align to our purpose, to who we truly want to be.
And then, aligning in 4D, we must shift our thoughts and emotions to be congruent with that. That process of aligning them in both the third and fourth dimensions is what allows us to be in a state of Integrity Consciousness©. Once we’re living a life of Conscious Integrity©, only then can we shift into a state of 5D, Unity Consciousness.
What are the things that are required for Integrity Consciousness©?
We have to align our thoughts, our emotions, our words, and our actions. When we do this, it means we are in integrity with the things we think, we feel, we speak, and we do.
The thing is, you may already be doing this, but you might be doing it from an unconscious place. We need to be consciously shifting into Integrity Consciousness©, we need to be doing it on purpose.
Whether you want to attract abundance, whether you want to be more connected to your Soul Purpose, you want to get better results from manifesting, whether you want to master meditation - whatever interest you may have - ALL of these require being integrous.
When we begin to purposefully shift into Integrity Consciousness© we can truly begin to create the life we desire.
How do we know if we’re not in integrity?
There are a couple of major signs that signal to us we’re not living in integrity.
A Lack of Results
If you’ve been trying all sorts of manifestation techniques, and no matter what you seem to do, you just can’t manifest, you’re probably not coming from a place of Integrity Consciousness©. Maybe you’re looking around at other’s success stories and wondering why it’s just not possible for you, no matter what you try.
Chaos and Confusion
If you feel like chaos and confusion seem to follow you around, constantly, this too is most likely a sign you’re not living in Integrity Consciousness©.
What's an example of NOT living in Integrity Consciousness©?
Because this concept is quite abstract, it might be best if I explain it to you using an example.
Say you want to attract financial abundance into your life. You decide to make a vision board with signs, symbols and photos that represent abundance to you. You look at it every day. You make a digital version on Pinterest and make it your desktop computer and phone background.
You align your thoughts with this vision of financial abundance.
But then, a friend calls you up, and asks you how you’re doing.
When you’re on the phone with your friend, you don’t embody this next-level version of yourself, the one who believes abundance is her birthright and anything is possible for her.
Instead you begin to complain about how you’ve been feeling stuck. You tell her that you always seem to have financial troubles, and that sometimes you just feel like it isn’t possible for you. You use words like “trying” “never works for me” and “no matter what I do”.
While you had the wonderful idea of creating a vision board, there’s absolutely no way it will work for you right now.
Because your thoughts and your actions are not aligned.
You’re THINKING one thing - in the abstract realm, you’re doing everything right. You’re visualizing, you’re meditating, you’re trying to think more abundant thoughts.
But these thoughts need to translate into actions that are aligned.
We need for your thoughts, feelings, words and actions to be congruent.
You might be thinking to yourself, “Well Tamalla, that sounds great and all, but I don’t want to lie. I haven’t yet seen the results from my vision board, I don’t ACTUALLY have financial abundance. What am I supposed to say?”
You are absolutely right that there is no need to make things up.
If we were to re-do this scenario, of a friend calling you up, you could admit that in the PAST, you’ve struggled with lack mentality.
However, it’s important that you use language that reinforces that lack is not your present identity.
Verbalize the work that you’re doing to raise your vibration, to shift into abundance. By doing this, you’re giving power to what it is you’re actually doing.
BUT…you have to actually do those things, out in the real world. Everything that goes down in the 3rd dimension requires action.
I’m sorry to burst your bubble, if I do, but you cannot meditate your way to abundance. If you want to experience results in the physical world (i.e. more money, better relationships, more opportunities coming your way) you MUST take actions in the physical world.
Ask yourself…how can I align myself and my actions with my vision of financial abundance?
You can stop creating patterns of lack.
You can show up as a new person, one who believes they can have anything they want.
When you feel lack creeping in, you can tell yourself, “Nope, that’s not who I am anymore. I’m the type of person that has the ability to create the kind of life where anything is possible.”
You have ALL the resources you need available to you
You can shift your mindset. You can remind yourself that if you have a desire in your heart, it is yours to claim. You can drop into the understanding that if it is a part of your desire, if you are getting a nudge from your Soul that this is something you need to do... the Universe will work with you to give you all the resources you need to make it happen.
You just need to look for them, with an awareness that they’re there. With an awareness that you are SUPPORTED!
Tell yourself, “I open up to and welcome all of the resources that are available to me”.
This doesn’t mean investing in things you don’t have the money for. But it means PLANNING for those resources to become available to you. You don’t need to know exactly HOW they will become available to you - you just need to act with a conscious awareness that they will become available to you in the perfect timing.
When you act with this confidence, this certainty and belief that the Universe WILL deliver... pretty soon, you’ll start seeing resources becoming available everywhere you look.
When you’re FEELING you have the resources
When you’re THINKING you have the resources
And when you’re ACTING from a place that you have the resources
You are integrating Integrity Consciousness©.
And THAT is when the Law of Attraction can work for us almost immediately.
Our thoughts and emotions are no longer in the way. We’ve cleared out the clutter so that all of those resources can drop into our experience.
This is not always as simple as it may seem. It takes discipline!
We have to reprogram ourselves, and this isn’t easy. In fact, it can be one of the most difficult things we can do, but it can also be one of the most life changing. We begin to open ourselves to receiving what truly is ours.
Integrity Consciousness© is about having our thoughts, emotions and actions aligned. When you align those, abundance will flow to you.
If one of those things is out of alignment, you’ll experience distraction, chaos and confusion - or a whole lot of nothing. You simply cannot create what you want in life if those 4 things are not integrous.
Do you need MORE support shifting into 5D, Unity Consciousness©and living a life of Conscious Integrity©?
This is exactly what I help students in my membership group, Your Empowerment Posse, with. I am currently accepting new members. Join us for the December session HERE to get support living your most empowered existence!