Honoring and Empowering the Mother Within

Powerful Pre-Recorded Online Workshop

(that was held Live on May 1, 2021)


Whether we have ever been a Mother ourselves or not, and whether we are female or identify with the femme ourselves, we still have a Mother that lives inside of each of us, that is part of us, as the Mother Within, that helps us move through this life. She presents as an archetype, as a helper, and as a Guide.

When our Mother Within is fully healthy and empowered she nurturers us, teaches us and helps us learn to transform our lives into the life we desire.

All transformation in our lives comes through our Mother Within.

So if you are struggling to transform an aspect of your life, career, relationships, finances, physical surroundings or more, then you may need to find out more about Honoring and Working With Your Mother Within.

And that is exactly what this workshop is for.


Honor and Empower your Mother Within so you can transform your life today!


Workshop Includes:

  • Channeled messages directly from the Transformational Emissaries of Light who are ultimately here to teach us how to embody Unity Consciousness during this powerful time of transition and transformation on our planet.

    • They specifically talk with us about who the Mother Within really is, where she lives within our human body, how she helps us transform our lives and why it is so important in reaching our own Unity Consciousness within ourselves so we can then help the world reach Unity Consciousness. Remember all transformation begins within.

    • There are several recorded Q&A sessions, as well.

  • BONUS: A recorded exercise to meet your own Mother Within and receive messages from her, as well as form a connection that you can follow anytime you choose to reconnect with her, at will. This is available as part of the workshop and then the recording was separated out as it’s own so that you can do this part on your own, anytime.

Get it HERE

You can invite your friends and family to join as well but each person will need to purchase their own ticket or you can purchase additional tickets and give them as a gift. (There are no free tickets to this event.)