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Living A Congruent Life Training – October

A channeled teaching thru Tamalla Mallet by ZE-ED and The Council of Light.

Tamalla’s High Council of Light includes: Green Tara, Mary Magdalene, Hathor, Isis,  The Sophia, Sophia’s Dragon, Pegasus, Ganesha, Gaia, The Elders of Gaia, ZE-ED, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Yeshua, The Pleiadian Council, Mother Mary, The Astrals, The Elementals, and her Higher Self.  And more join the committee all the time.

is included in the monthly Your Empowerment Posse membership or as a stand alone.

Living a Congruent Life

Your Empowerment Posse

October 12

Weekly Support Cards

October 13

4 Week Class: Begin Creating The Life You Desire Class