Alignment and Congruency Mastermind

The one stop shop so you can align and be all that you came here to be!


This course includes multiple trainings:

  • Living A Congruent Life Training  – monthly sessions, recorded and uploaded to the teaching platform (for the duration of the class)

  • Your Empowerment Posse – weekly and monthly support in the Facebook Group (for the duration of the class)

  • And The Manifesting Blueprint Training as described below. 

There is no more full fledged, leading edge support available to transform your life. I do hope that you join us.

Read Lisa Casperson’s Story Here


Wield your creating and manifesting SUPERPOWER on purpose!

You can create the relationships, friendships, businesses or working environments, financial situations, physical health, mental health, emotional health and any situation you desire!How you create is your own special unique Superpower and it is how you wield your Light on purpose. You came here to experience yourself as the powerful creator that you are. This Blueprint details for you how you create, how you manifest. It is the road map that you can use to purposefully begin to create the life you desire.This is what you need to know about Creating and Manifesting above and beyond the Law of Attraction. This is alignment with your Higher Self and how you were created to Manifest. Your unique blueprint is just that, unique to you! And this training helps you know how you were created to be and how you are right now, which may be different and if so, there is identification of what areas need to change and HOW to change them.

The Manifesting Blueprint is HOW you do who you are.


I am an expert at aligning people with their own Divinity. I am an Advanced Soul Realignment Practitioner (R), Certified Catalyst Facilitator, Ordained Shamanic Magdalene High Priestess and I have done the work myself! I know it works. And I keep doing the work, each day, because I am always a Divine Creator. I want all that I bring into my experience to be what I prefer and for me to make better choices and create more and more alignment for myself so that I am living every moment as my Highest Self possible!

And you can do it too! No matter where you are in your life right now, there is always something that you can do to align yourself more fully with your Divine creative potential. Always. I have come from an abusive marriage thru a divorce, moving with $46 in my pocket to a new town, to then having a job, finding my Beloved, quitting that job and starting my own business, where I set my own schedule and am creating my own prosperity where I want it to be. And it keeps getting more and more refined each day.

Your Manifesting Blueprint comes from your 7th Dimensional Blueprint and is part of my Advance Soul Realignment (R) Practitioner Training. The 6 month training involves monthly coaching around implementation of your own unique Blueprint. 




(If you are a Public Figure, have time restrictions or would prefer a Private Mastermind click HERE)

A testimonial:

I have worked with Tamalla before and found her to give incredibly insightful, clear, and professional guidance. As I was approaching some changes in my life and wanted to remove any blocks and create clarity around the intentions I was creating, I felt drawn to join her 6 months manifesting training.Wow.. What a gift to myself! Within the first weeks I noticed a profound shift as I aligned to my true self and let my heartfelt desires come before my ego based mind chatter.With Tamalla’s assistance I was able to truly listen to my soul and let it guide my daily interactions in such a way that I stopped getting in my own way and could create and live the life I have otherwise always searched for. With ease and grace I made some changes and let the miracles start flowing.Knowing I have this power has created such security, peace and contented harmony that I now allow myself to spend my time doing what I love with who I love. Intention fulfilled!If you are even considering this program… Do it!!

Sde van

This is more than the Law of Attraction, this is you and your own unique Manifesting Process.

And it WORKS for you because it IS YOU!

This training helps you to understand your Divine Soul Blueprint which is held at the 7th Dimension, separate from the Akashic Records. Your Manifesting Blueprint does not change. It is your HOW!

Each person’s Blueprint contains 7 Polarity Spectrums. These 7 comparatives are polarities of the same energy and you will find yourself somewhere on the range between them. Knowing where your Blueprint lies on these ranges will help you understand how you best manifest here in the 3rd Dimension.

You will also discover if you are misaligned with any of these comparatives and how to come back in to alignment so you can manifest in ways that are most congruent to who you are and how you create.


Just a small part of what this Training provides is Online Content available 24/7 which includes:

Click HERE to check out the online content

Here is more information:

Clarification of the 7 Polarity Spectrums in your specific Blueprint as you were designed to create:

Similarity or Contrast – Do you experience your Divinity more in situations or with people who are similar, contrasting or both?

Process or Outcome – When you choose you create consequences. Your Divinity may be expressed either through the process (choice) or through the outcome (consequence) or both.

Internal or External –  You experience your Divinity either when you compare inside yourself or to those people and situations around you or both.

Consistent or Variable – You make shifts in your vibration either through consistent action or through various actions or both.

Re-Inventive or Innovative – This is how you go from one vibration to a new one. Is it through re-inventing the state or are you creating a completely new one through innovation or both?

Instigative or Reactive – Why do you want to change your vibrational state? Is it because you feel inside that something needs to change (Instigative) or is it that you are reacting to something either internal or external (Reactive) or both?

Integrative or Exclusive – Do you decide what you want in your experience by Integrating what you do like or do you Exclude those things you don’t like or both?

2. Evaluation of each of the 7 Polarity Spectrums in your Blueprint of how you are currently creating

3. Identifying if you are misaligned and how you make adjustments to bring yourself back in to alignment



Scroll down to see what else is included!

Here is a Sample Video from one of the modules. This is information you will use if you fall into the Internal polarity spectrum. But what if you are not designed to be an Internal but you have been acting like and making choices as an Internal would, because of beliefs systems, social programming, personal misalignment or other reason? I was!

I was created to be an External and yet I lived my life as an Internal!

And I could not figure out why I had trouble manifesting what I wanted – ding, ding, ding… Because I was doing it wrong for me! Aligning this one area changed so much about my life and still does and I learn more and more about how to better be more aligned to my own unique and powerful Manifesting Blueprint. I can’t wait for you to join me!

What if you are designed to be Instigative but you have been living as a Reactive? What if you have no idea why you react to events, situations and experiences and make yourself feel bad about being so reactive because you are told by society that you should be proactive instead of reactive? If you are Reactive then you need to be reacting! Here is a sample video from the Reactive Module of the online content.

This is a Spirit led training that will last for 6 months. You will receive the following: 

1. You will set your Intention for what you want to manifest by the end of the 6 month period. If you need help with this I can assist. (Value: You determine the value of what you want to create! It all depends on what you want.)

2. Your Manifesting Blueprint pdf emailed to you detailing where you were CREATED to be which you will use in cooperation with the online content. (Value: $395)

3. Your Manifesting Blueprint pdf emailed to you detailing where you ARE right now which you will use in cooperation with the online content. (Value:$395)

4. Your own specific manifesting TIME FRAME, so you know when to expect results and when to be patient. (Value: $395)

5. 24/7 Online Content: (Value: $5,995)

a. Details for each section of the Blueprint

b. Suggestions and tips for changes to realign to where you were CREATED to be – these will be added as we go along the training and progress

c. Updates and additions as we go along  for content, group recorded calls/webinars/support sessions

                 d. 7 deep dive sessions into the Spectrums uploaded to the online content.

6. 1 Hour Private Session with me and your Akashic Records Guides (Value: $375)

7. 6 Months of Live Group Support Calls/Webinars with me and your Akashic Records Guides – 2 hours each, recorded and posted in the course content for review (Value: $4,500) These will be held on Zoom or other Webinar provider. If you can not attend Live, do not worry! You can email me your questions prior and I will answer them on the Webinar so you will get your answers. We have folks who work during the day, who have events already scheduled and people who are in different time zones including international participants, so you can watch the recordings anytime!

8. Private Facebook Group for accountability and support as you move from where you are to where you want to be. This will be the place where you post your updates and receive support from me and those in the training. There are also LIVE Video Trainings, Updates and other active interactions. (Value: $550.00)

9. If you do not already know your Soul Purpose you will receive that in a Private 30 minute session with me. (Value $87.00)

      10. An accountability partner to keep you on track. (Value: Invaluable)

      11. The Living A Congruent Life Training ($210.00)

      12. Your Empowerment Posse for 6 months ($210.00)

Total Value: $ 13,112.00  

Even that this price, learning how to be in charge of your life, it’s a steal but this is not what you will pay!

Your Investment is only $5,995.00

Listen to Amai Clarice Munches’s Thoughts on the Mastermind!

Next Class Starts .???…


Sign Up For The Waitlist

If you need scholarship information, check the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions or want to chat to see if this Mastermind is right for you, we can set that up. Simply email me at

Join the waitlist

Scholarship Opportunity: 

If you are in a situation where you have a deep desire to attend the training but are in need of some financial assistance here is what you can do:

Create a video, audio or written statement with your payment proposal and send it to: by midnight Pacific Time, US, ******* to be considered. It must include the following:

1. Your Payment Plan: Spirit knows how much you can invest so this is not an opportunity to cheat yourself. This amount should be a stretch but not a trauma. You have to have skin in the game to help motivate you to follow through when you don’t want to or when your Saboteur pops up to distract you. Whatever you propose financially, if accepted, will be required for you to complete even if your Saboteur convinces you to drop out of the class. You will be receiving the majority of the full value of the course on day 1 and as such you will be responsible for the entirety of your pledged financial commitment regardless of whether you stick to the program or not, no exceptions.

2. The Balance: If your payment plan totals less than the price of the class, which is $5,995.00, you must include what you will DO for the remainder. This is not energy work, prayers or the like, this class is designed by Spirit, so they have that covered. This is also not a trade for massages, body or other metaphysical work. This is action that you will take to forward the Intention of this Mastermind. You will have the opportunity to invite people to join the next class within the training so that is also not what we are talking about. Get creative.


A. Hosting monthly FB Lives with your friends, family, co-workers, clients, etc. and I to talk about the class or other webinars that lead to this class.

B. Doing videos about the work you have done and your experiences each week that can be used for advertising. Get creative. You can bring something unique and wonderful!

3. Be prepared to implement your plan right away. This includes your first payment. Spirit will make their decision by *****. This means if you are chosen you will be notified right away and you will need to act immediately.I hope that you choose to participate in this life changing training. It will help you learn more about who you are and how you manifest, how to be congruent and how to bring all of this into your everyday life so you can take charge of your life, relationships, career, body, and finances every day. It works if you work it!